Part 25

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Jon Bring Rhaella in Dany's room.
Dario was there and spoke with her. Dany looked tired. Dany smiled When she looked at her daughter. She was the best thing in her life.
-Rhaella wanted to come with you _Jon explaned. He had girl in his hands.
-are you ok baby?
-yes, are you ok too?
Dany smiled and she took her daughter from Jon's arm. Rhaella hugged her strongly.
-I wanted to speak with you two .
Dany and Jon looked each other.
-you are my parents and I need to know what is your plann for future?
-can you leave us Dario?_Dany asked quietly
Dario didn't like this situation but he left room immediately. Dany took Rhaella on her knees and hugged strongly.
-my love.
-mama please
-This situation isn't easy for you and I know it. Everything changed and you are bit confuse. You lived in small village two months ago and now you are a princess. Rhaella I know how you feel. I was a princess once and everything changed one day. When I merried with Khal drogo. I lived between people who were different from me. I felt alone every time but we cannot choice who we are. You are a princess now. You are my future. Your life will be difficult but... life isn't easy. Do you understand?_ Dany wanted to cry but she tried her best. She touched Rhaella's hand.
Jon was quiet bit he felt how difficult it was for Daenerys.
-I will always be with you and You know it.
-I know you will but...
-your father can't stay here ... not forever.
Dany looked at Jon and their eyes met each other. Jon felt tear in her eyes. He felt queen's pain
-why not? Because you aren't in love with him?
Dany hated this situation.
-feelings isn't important.
-who told you that? Who?
-your father _Dany stopped immediately. She was already in nerves _I cannot live with man who once told me that his feelings about me wasn't enough important.
Rhaella looked back to Jon.  Dany felt his desperation and she regretted what said to Rhaella. She couldn't control herself while Rhaella's questions were difficult.
-Rhaella _Jon bent his knee in front of his daughter_a lot of things happened between us. I know what you feel. I never knew my mother and...
-if you know what I feel what was a reason while you left my mother alone? We were alone... always.
Jon felt unbelievable pain inside.  He wanted to hugg her . He wanted to change everything what happened in past.
-you aren't my father. Dario can be my father. He was always with us.
Dany had no idea how it was possible but she looked madness in his eyes. Like Viserys always calld "You don't want to awake the dragon?".
Jon felt how something big grew up inside his throat.
Dany was confuse about what she seen minutes before.she immediately touched his arm and stopped him.
Jon opened his mouth but he followed Dany's order. But it wasn't order.
Rhaella slipped from her mother's arms and left room.
-he cannot be father of my daughter. I'll kill him. I swear to you I will .
-what was that?
-your eyes. You looked like crazy
-she is my daughter. No matter how I deserve her but she is mine
-we could be family now if you ever fight for me like that. You never tried to be my family. I always dreamed about family but you threw away this dreams from me. You never loved me like your family.
-I was. You were always my family Daenerys just I couldn't find a forme for showing.  Because I was idiot. I am still idiot. I am lost without you. During years I was trying to find death everywhere but I am here now and I want to be here. Always. Please don't take her from me. I want to be her father
Dany stepped back and tried to look another side.
-I wasn't good commander of wall. They killed me because of my stupidity. I was horrible king, I was horrible lovers but I want to be good father. Because this is only thing what I can to do now. Because I know what is "good father ".
Jon touched her hand but she tried to take it back from him. Jon clenched stronger.
-you need to go Jon.
-but I don't want to go. We can finish this here
-I had a painful feelings During this time. I felt that I wasn't enough good for you. And probably I wasn't.
-we are family Dany. We have amazing daughter.
-I cannot lie. When she'll be enough old I will tell her everything about us. I promised myself.I have no idea if she can forgive us.
-we will tell her everything together.
-I... I still have no idea but I will find a way
-we will find a way. But now we need to protect her from danger.
-I cannot let anyone to hurt her. My whole childhood was fear. I can't let anyone or anything to do same with Rhaella. No matter who tries it. I will kill them all If Your siblings try to hurt her. I swear and nobody can stop me. Neither you.
-I will never stop you to protect our daughter
Jon took her second hand and caressed her fingers . Jon remembered her warm skin. It was the most beautiful thing what he ever felt. Jon felt Dany's sadness. She tried her best to hide it but couldn't.
-I'll find Rhaella and...
Jon took her waist in his arms before Dany finished sentence and kissed her quickly. Dany was surprise. It was unexpected in this moment. She tried to make herself free from his arm but Jon clenched her stronger.
She remembered his kiss. His last kiss in throne room.
"You are my queen now and always "
And he killed her. He stabbed her!
Dany's mind was conquered by worst feelings. She tried to concentrate but couldn't.  Dany felt his arm near her heart and she screamed.
-No, no, no
-Dany wait please. Dany..._ he tried to hugg her body
-you want to kill me. You are trying to kill me again.
Jon tried to hold her body but she was shaking . Her whole body was shaking with panic. And finally she lost her mind in his arms

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