Queen (10)

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White Harbor:

Jon and Ser Davis arrived in White Harbor. This place was to special for Jon. He had a lot of memories. dany! Their love started there.

Air was much warmer than castle black. Ser Davos tried to find captain from Essos.

-can you common language?_asked Davos

-Yes I can. What do you want?_ man had a dark skin and strong body

-we need to travel to Essos


-I and my friend.

-have you gold?

-no, we haven't enough gold but we have something more special and important. You can see

Man was intrigued.

-Jon, give it to him

Jon had sword in his hand. It was difficult to lost something so much important thing. Longclaw was his friend.

-Valyrian steel my lord _Said Jon. Captain took sword in his hand. He was to excited about it.

-to beautiful. Is this trip to much important for you?

-yes it is

"I want to meet my daughter and love"_ Jon wanted to finish but he stopped.

-ok, I can take you in Volantis . You can continue your trip alone from there.

-Meeren is far from Volantis?

-not to much. Are you going in Meeren?

-yes_confirmed Davos

-will be difficult. Queen arrived there . Dragon's bay is close. Port is close there. They control everyone and everything.

-can you help me to enter in Meeren?

-I can. My friend is merchant. He can arrive there with his own ship

-help me please. I'll give you what you want.

-what you can give me?

-he is one of the best sword in Westeros. He can be your solider. Your protector.

-are you?

-yes I can. Just I need to enter in meer.

-why are you trying to hard? Do you plan to kill dragon queen? Or her daughter?

Captain laughed. Probably Dario Naharis kills you before your first breath

Jon knew about Dario. Once Dany mentioned his name.

-I don't interesting Dario Naharis_Jon murmured

-It's better to care yourself. Dario Naharis killed his brothers for his queen. It was a very popular legend about their relationship.

-he killed his own brothers?_Jon was surprise

Captain smiled.

-It's not problem if I can spend one night with her. But I have no brothers and she doesn't need me.

Jon was quiet. Dario Naharis was by her side now. The man who killed his own brothers for Dany. Jon killed Dany for his siblings.

-come boys. It's to long travel but I can tell you a lot of stories and legends about dragon queen. _captain smiled ironically _ welcome to my shipp .

Jon and Davos entered quickly.

-are you coming with me Ser Davos?

-it's better. Probably your brother planns to kill me now.

-I wonder what do you want in Meeren?_ captains started.

-I plann to meet queen.

-and her daughter? New hero..._captain planned to speak a lot_ she is a new hero. I remember this years when Mther of dragons appeared in horizon at first. Her name was everywhere. Everyone was talking about her. Mothers wanted her name for their children. It was a great years.


Dany entered the room. She knows Kinvara was there and waited her. Woman smiled softly.

-how are you my queen?

-not so good Lady Kinvara.

-you will never be ok and I told you that years ago. Not before...

-stop it._Dany screamed. It wasn't Dany's voice. It was Queen's voice.

-you will never be full. Not until your part is far from you.

-He will never return in my life. He will never touch my girl.

-she asked me about her father. It's hurts her.

-it's better to be hurt this way. Truth is much worse than she ever can understand. She can cry because her father is far from us than he is killer of her own mother. Jon killed my daughter when he stabbed me in my heart. I will never forgive.

-than why aren't you ok?_ Kinvara had calmly face.

-I will _said the Queen

Queen wanted to leave but Kinvara stared it again:

-do you know how old I am?

Dany turned around. Silence was her answer.

-probably I forgot my own age. It's to much my queen._ Lady Kinvara had painful face

Dany looked in her eyes.

-do you know how many people I met in this years?

-probably much more than I can imagine

-do you know how many couples I saw? How many feelings or emotions?

-yes_ Dany accepted

-Do you know how many woman loved the man who killed her?

Dany laughed hysterically.

-Don't play with your feelings my queen.from the start of this world till this day I know only one woman who loves her killer.

-I don't...

Kinvara touched her face and cleaned tear with her thumb.

-Never... this is a reason while you are break. It kills you Daenerys Targaryen. Not the sword in your heart

-I cannot. I will never forgive.

Kinvara let her go.

-He knows about you and Rhaella.

Queen's face changed immediately.

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