Old Friend (7)

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Jon and Tormund were together beyond the wall. Ghost acted very strange from the morning. Sometimes he disappeared. Jon called him but nothing.
Jon has no nerves anymore. He planned to sit there and make fire. Tormund had grey rabbit in his hand.
-we can beautiful  breakfast crow_ he smiled like horse
-I an trying to make fire but can't.
-why are you in nerves?_asked Gigant
-nothing.  Just do it.
-what happened with Ghost?
-he run away several times
-he is animal. Just let him go.
-I did_Jon started to pick firewood together.
-It isn't enough. Find more. To cold today no?
-it's same for me.
Tormund shook his head.
Jon disappeared inside wood.
-don't walk so far from here crow._Tormund screamed
Jon called Ghost. He saw his white fur between trees.
-come here boy. 
He had firewood in his hand. Ghost whimpered and run away quickly.
-Ghost?_Jon screamed but his voice recovered terrible roar. He looked up and find a gigantic dark shadow  above the trees.  He screamed again and again
His wings touched branches of trees. They shaked so strong and snow dropped down from trees.
Jon's whole body was shaking. He couldn't stand.  Neither understand it was a dream or reality.  He felt when his body fall to the ground and lost mind. He had no idea what happened until Heard Tormund's name.
-Jon? Are you here? Jon ?
Jon tried to control his own body but words disappeared in his own throat .
-Jon? What happened ?_he felt when someone touched his arms. _hey, did you hear?
How couldn't? It was possible? Drogon's voice was loud as hell. Probably Sansa in Winterfell and Bean in KL hears it too.
-it was... _Jon Shook his head and tried to speak _how?
-fucking dragon
-he wants to kill me. He returned for me. _Jon has powerless voice.
-stop talking stupid things. We need to go to camp.
-no, he flew in south. We need to go to castle black. Right now.
-no we cannot
-I can go there alone.
Jor started to walk so quickly.
-Jon wait. Do you think that I can leave you here?
-Ok , than come... we need to be there till evening.
Jon hoped to horse.
It was to strange travel. Jon was always far from Tormund. He was really tored but Tormund couldn't leave him alone. Jon wasn't ok and he knew it. He wasn't ok after Kings Landing .
-Open the gate_Jon ordered _I am Jon Snow. Old comander of Castle Black
-my lord!_Answered the boy who never met Jon Snow before. Jon didn't get attention. Probably he was new there.
-where is lord comander? _asked Jon
Jon perfectly knew where was big hall of castle black. He entered there without knock.
Middle aged man was sitting in center.
-Jon Snow my lord_said Jon
-I knew who you are. It's honor to meet you. I am Thoros
-me too. Did you hear this roar?
-in the morning? Dragon? Yes we heard.
-so, I am not a crazy _Jon whispered. In this moment Tormund entered the room.
-It's honor to meet you my lord. We have a rooms for you and your friend. If it's necessary of course.
-Thanks, you are to kind but what now?
-I plann to send raven to KL and Winterfel. But here is some problems.  My trusted man whose name is Gerion was in KL . He needed to take people in Castle black. He areived yesterday morning from capital. There is no good news.
-What happened? Where is Gerion?
-I am my lord _man stepped from corner of the room_I traveled from Blackwater and areived in White Harbor
"White Harbor " painful memories attacked Jon's heart immediately. This feelings was more than thousand sword inside his heart.
-Queen isn't in Winterfell. Her brother invited her in KL immediately.
-Is everything OK?_ Jon imagined something terrible.
-there is a lot of strange gossips my lord. White Harbor was full of people. There were merchants of Essos too.
-what do you mean?_ Tormund asked.
Gerion was in silence.
-people talking about Dragon queen. Gossips about her arrival in Meeren is to popular.
-she is dead
-I don't know but a lot of people are talking about her. The man who was from Essos was talking to confidently. She planns war against slavers in Dragon's bay.
-impossible _Jon whispered
-I don't know my lord. I know only what I heard. 
-impossible _Jon screamed and left hall immediately. His heart was shaking and he couldn't breathe. Air was to heavy for him.
-no, no, noo... impossible _Tormund followed  and tried to stop him.
-Jon, crow, just wait
-did you hear?
-yes I heard . And We don't know what happened. It's true or not. Just calm down.
-It's true_Jon heard Voice from somewhere. He turned around.
-who are you?_he sreamed
Dark shadow left corner of the castle. His face wasn't unknown. His voice was familiar.
-this isn't worthy meeting with former hand no?
-what Are you doing here?_asked Tormund.
-I changed one man on the boat between of prissioners. Everything is possible when you are in small council. I gifted gold one man for it. Once I was contabandist . Don't you remember?
-I wanted to come here to meet you Jon Snow. It was only way to meet you. While your brother controls everything. He is looking for us... all of us... he ordered to me but I cannot
-he ordered? What he wants?
-silence about dragon queen. He doesn't want to know you the truth. Truth about everything.
-I don't understand
-Once Lady Melisandre killed young girl and I never forgive myself. Because I could to protect her. Now, I protect another one and I will.
-Ser Davos I am so happy to see you but I cannot understand...
-Daenerys Targaryen has daughter from you and your brother and probably your sister too planns to kill her.
-are you kidding me_Tormund whispered
Jon was standing middle of them  and waited Jon's reaction.
-probably now Brandon Stark planns to kill me for betrayal but This is what I felt was right.
-I need to think _Jon tried to keep power inside and deep breath but his mind was out from him.
-now Jon Snow. Now then ever before you need to do right thing .

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