Dany (19)

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Daenerys kissed her daughter's forehead. She tried to calm her down. It wasn't good when the girl was nervous.
-it hurts you my girl. My love
-mother, I want to know the truth. I am small but not an idiot.  You've never lied me.
-I will never my princess. I was never Lier my little one.
-I know but I need to know if you can forgive my father.
"My father." It was a words what Jon never heard from anyone. He was a father now and his girl was in front if him. Jon heard how she repeated it again. Daenerys shook her head.
Daenerys looked back to Jon. He waited her words. Jon felt pain inside.
-no, I cannot. He cannot stay here and we'll never go with him. You need to acept it Rhaella. I love you with all of my heart but we cannot live with your father.
Jon had no power to speak. Her words broke his heart. He realised that there was no his place between them.
-you want to live with him? You want to go with him?
Dany felt tears in her eyes.Queen  was afraid but she felt strength inside . Rhaella smiled to her
-mom, I will never leave you alone. I'll be here,always ...
Rhaella hugged her mother's arm and kissed her cheek.
-I love you so much mommy. Here is my home and my friends. You, Dario, Grey Worm and Kinvara. I miss our Village but here is a people who I love the most.
-I am so proud of you my girl. You need to be here, with your people. One day you'll be their queen and you need to know them. You need to love them, know them,protect them.
-and I will mother. I love you so much.
-you need to sleep now. _Dany caressed her forehead and kissed _We'll meet tomorrow. You need rest Rhae.
Dany left Rhaella in bed.  Jon followed her.
-can we speak?_he asked
Daenerys looked his face. She knew what he wanted.
-come in my room._she said
Two unsullied stayed near Rhaella's room.
Dany entered in her apartment.
-sit down_ she said._do you want wine?
Dany gave him glass of wine and set in front of him.
-what do you want?
-what about Rhaella?
-don't try to manipulate situation with Rhaella. It doesn't works
-I am not
-you do. You can't stay here Jon. I will never ever return in Westeros. What do you want?what can we do?
-you hate us and you have your right
-yes I have, because I sacrificed everything what I had for save the North and Westeros and I got betrayal back. From people who I called my people. They never loved me. Neither you..._She felt how her own voice trembled
-I did, yes I did but I couldn't accept my feelings because you are my aunt.
-I don't want to hear it again.
Jon stand up and tried to come near her chair
-don't._she said _ don't come near me
-you were my queen
-I don't want to hear it anymore. Just stop it
-Daenerys _he tried to touch her hand
-don't touch me. No, I don't want it . I'll call Dario if you come with me more close
-I don't want to hurt you.
-yes you want. You killed me.
-because I thought that you were dangerous for everyone. You lost your mind.
-and what do you think now?
-I... I think that I was wrong. You are different now.
-no, I am not. I am not different but I am not the same woman who you met in Dragonstone. I changed. Now I know who I am and what I want
-I am the queen and my home is here with my people and my daughter. People who loves me and respect me. Different from Westeros and your horrible family. One day when my daughter grows up I'll tell her the truth about everything. About you and me but here is no place for you Jon Snow. We aren't your family
-Daenerys, I cannot  forget Rhaella. She is my daughter.
-you lived without her last years. Your beautiful family and sisters will give you everything what you want. They are only one who you really love.
-I am sure that you will sacrifice Rhaella without thinking for your family. I'll never give you permission to hurt her like you did to me.
-I never wanted to hurt you _Jon comes close to her
-Yes, you wanted more. You wanted to kill me.
Daenerys smiled painfully. Jon felt her nervous tone. He tried to touch her hand but Daenerys stepped back.
-don't come to much close
-I'll call my soliders
-you can call them if you really want
-Stop _Daenerys repeated. Jon was standing in front of her. Their faces practically touched. Dany tried to step back but there was not place.
Dany wanted to call soldiers but she lost her voice in throat.  Queen closed her eyes and waited his touch but in moment she heard a voice. It was a familiar voice.
Dany opened her eyes. Dario and Jon were face to face.

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