Rhaella (18)

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Dany was sitting near Rhaella's bed. She clenched her hand strongly and tried to concentrate.
-Daenerys we need to speak _Dario mentioned
-she need to stay here with our child._Jon tried to speak
Dario turned around:
-who the hell you are and what are you doing here?
Dany stopped them.
-ok Dario we need to speak now. Come.
-you need to left this room before_Dario said_Now. Here isn't your place near our princess.
-she is my daughter
-I'll cut tongue from your mouth and...
-Dario come. Where is Grey Worm?_asked Dany
Jon followed them. Dario murmured some words near queen's ear.
-we need to go outside _Dany explaned to Jon
-they tried to kill princess
-here is no mercy for killers Dario. Be sure...
Grey worm was outside. Two man was standing with their knees. They looked at queen. Dany understood that both of them were afraid.
-they had a dragon coins my queen _Grey Worm Started _we found them near port.
Drogon appeared on the sky and roared so loud. In some minutes he was standing by queen's side.
-I need names_Daenerys said. Her face was cold.
Jon mentioned the day when Dany killed Lord Varys
-We weren't my queen _said one of them.
-where had you dragon coins?
-we were in Westeros my queen but we didn't try to kill princess.
-I hate liers.
-we aren't liers_said another one
-what if they aren't?_tried Jon
-be quiet idiot_Dario took knife in his hand
-stop it, both of you _Dany ordered. Dario left Jon behind
-who tried to kill my daughter?_Daenerys asked them
-we aren't...
-I'll ask you three times. if you have not plann to give me the name you will finish your life inside dragon's mouth. I swear ...I swear to you
Queen was angry
-We have no idea. We didn't..._started one of them
-I need name.first ...
Queen repeated
-your grace we didn't want to kill your daughter.
-I just need name. Who ordered you? If you want to live.Second...
Drogon roared again and started moving
-we cannot. _Said one of them
-name..._queen screamed.
-just say it if you want to live _ Jon tried his best.
-your brother._Jon looked them. He was in shock _he sent us months ago. He knew about you and your child. He sent us to find you. We were in Volantis and destroyed your village.
Dany felt anger inside. Like her heart stopped breathing.
-Drogon_she murmured. Dragon accepted his mother's word.
-my queen _both of them screamed _forgive us. Please, my queen.
-Dracarys _Dany said. Dragon breathed fire above them and burned them alive.
-We can go_said queen
-you promised them _Jon said _I promised them too.
-it's ok. You promised me too but you broke your oath. People who tried to kill my daughter can't be alive . Return in your room Jon Snow.
Dany left Jon behind and entered in pyramid.
Grey worm touched Jon's arm and guided him inside.
-you need to return in your room. Now
-I want to see my daughter
-nobody cares what you want
They were quiet few times. Until they arrived near his room.
-Grey Worm_Jon stopped and started talking with him._ I know what you feel. I know that I wasn't right with you. I am so sorry for everything.
-I don't need it.
-I loved her. I truly loved her
-You have no idea what is love.
-I just...
-I always remember the day when Cersei Lannister killed woman who I loved. During this years I always imagined that I was there. Cersei killed me and Missandei survived. But it was always dream. When I opened my eyes reality was same. I was alive and She was dead. You can't imagine what is that.
-I can...
-you cannot. You killed her. This isn't love.
-I tried to do right things. I...
-you deserved death. Your family treated us and I will never forget it. Their end is near
-I want to protect them.
-They don't need your protection. They aren't your family.
-they are. Please, I need her forgiveness.
-It will never happen.

After three days Rhaella opened her eyes. Her mother was sitting near her bed. Dany was happy. She hugged her strongly and kissed her whole face.  Rhaella loved her mother the most, but now she needed the truth about Jon... about her father.
Dany called Jon. Jon wanted to meet his daughter as her father. It was difficult but he needed it.
When Jon entered the room Rhaella was sitting on the bed. She clenched her mother's hand.
-come_she said
Everyone left them alone: Dario,Jon and Rhaella
-Rhaella, I am so happy that you are ok.
-it's hurt my arm but I am ok. Thanks for coming
-you already know
-yes, I know that you are my father and now I interesting few things. Why didn't you live with us?
It was unexpected. Rhaella had questions and it was logic but she started to difficult.  Dany was quiet.
-don't try to lie me.
-I don't want to lie you.
-then tell me the truth
It was more difficult than Jon could imagine.
-I had no idea about you.
-but you had idea about my mother and you left her alone
Rhaella lost her voice. Her wound hurted her again. She felt tear in her eyes.
-I never had a father because you left my mother alone. We were always alone because you choose your family.
-I tried my best. I wasn't right with your mother but I tried Rhaella.
-Do you bend the knee to save the north or because you love her?
Dany looked at Rhaella.
-Mother, I want to hear from him. Who said it?
-It was my sister but how do you know?
-her voice is cold.
-Rhaella, When I found news about you at first I decided to meet you. Because You are my daughter. You are my blood.
-but we aren't your family no?
-It's not right. You are and I want to be by your side. I want to protect you and your mother.
-her mother doesn't need your protection _ Dany said firstly
-I have Dothrakies and Unsullied for protection
-I am your father
-you aren't. I know that something happened between you two and I will find it.
-forgive me if I hurt you Rhaella._Jon's heart was break. His voice trembled.
-If one day my mother forgive you I will.
Dany touched her daughter's hand and kissed.
-You need rest my girl. Your wound still bleeding.
-No, I need to say it. I need my old life in village with my mother. Where we lived alone.
Dany hugged her strongly. She understood what Rhaella felt. Rhaella lost home When they left Village. It was like Braavos and lemon tree with red door

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