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Dany looked at Jon. He was quiet and waited. Dany smiled to her Daughter gently.
-my girl, _Dany said calmly _ he cannot stay here.
-why mother? Why? He is our relative . You said it.
-Rhaella..._Jon started but Dany stopped him.
-Rhae, he cannot stay here because he has a family. He need to go.
-but, we aren't his family? We can play together.
-no, we aren't Rhae. He is just a guest here.  He need to go as soon as possible.
Rhaella looked back to Jon. He wanted to say something but couldn't. He wanted to take Rhaella in hand and felt her but couldn't.
Dany sit down with Table and  Rhaella by her side. Jon find his place in front of them.
-where is your home?_Rhaella's eyes was full of interest. She never met her relatives. Her mother never spoke about their relatives.
-Rhaella interesting where are you living.
-in Westeros. North of Westeros. My family lived there. My father and my siblings.
-mommy Rhaegar lived in Anorth? He has another children?_Rhaells was surprise.
-honey, Rhaegar died before his birth. He grew up with his uncle and cousins. He is really Jon's uncle not father.
-are your siblings my family too?
Jon tried to answer her question but Dany was faster.
-no. They aren't your family.
-mother, do you ever seen his home.
-Once I traveled in Westeros . But a lot of things happened there and I returned back to Essos.
-mother, westeros is a place where belonged Iron Throne? My brother destroyed it no?
-your brother?_Jon asked
-she is mother of dragons and Drogon is her first child. He is my brother.
-Rhaella wants to fly with Drogon but she is to small yet. You know it no?
-yes mama.
-baby. Isn't time of  sleep?
-yes, probably but I wanted to sleep with you.
-I have a guest now. We need to speak. Tomorrow, we can sleep together ok?
-you promise?
-I do.
Rhaella was ready to leave the room . Dany knew her daughter. she was sad now. She missed her mother and Dany knew it. Queen really had a lot of job but Rhaella needed her mother.
Dany left Jon alone and followed Rhaella.
Rhaella looked back
-I love you girl. You are the most important thing in my life. You know that no?
-yes I do mommy
Dany bent her knees in front of her daughter and hugged strongly.
-I love you too
-and now, go to bed sweetheart.
Dany returned with Jon. He was sitting there again.

The girl jumped from the boat and looked around. City was different than before when she left this place.
She wanted to meet her siblings.
Two solider met to her and guided.
-your brother wait you my lady
-I am not a lady
Soliders opened the door and the girl entered there.
-Arya_Bran said
Sansa hugged her and set near the table.
-hi,how are you all?
-Do you know what happened?
-I know. I saw dragon in Astapor. Where is Jon?
-he traveled in Meeren _sansa confirmed
-what? Is he crazy? She can to kill him.
-yes shs can and we need to stop her. You need...
-Bran what do you mean?
-she has a daughter from Jon._Bran waited her reaction _you need to finish what Jon started. You need to kill them
-what?_Arya screamed._Jon, she is Our nephew.
-she is a problem _Sansa started _we don't know what Daenerys told her. We have no idea what is her next plan. We are in danger. Jon is too. What if she will decide to return here? She hates all of us.
-I cannot hurt Jon's child. He'll never forgive.
-we have no other way. They are dangerous for all of us ._Bran said _you need to travel in Meeren and kill them.
Arya was confused. She couldn't accept what her siblings wanted from her.
-think about Jon_Sansa continued _he is in danger. Daenerys will be his the most biggest enemy soon. We need to save Jon.

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