Kings Landing (2)

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Bran opened his eyes.he tried to find drogon every day. But he had nothing . He looked how Drogon appeared above the cities and mountains but there were nothing more.
Bran had the most terrible feeling about it. He felt something very strange. It wasn't normal. He was three eyed raven. He needed to see things but something very strong tried to stop him. Something dark was around him and his mind.
-your grace _Tyrion Lannister entered the room
-come _said the king
-have you something new about Drogon?
-yes. I know where is he
-I feel that he is somewhere south
-you feel?
-yes, feel but can't see. Something very strong tries to stop me.
Tyrion was surprise
-tries? You are there eyed raven
-yes but I am not only magical creature in the world . You don't kno that?
-sorry my king!
-he is in Volantis. Do you know what is there?
Tyrion stopped!
-red preisters. Castle of the lord of the light.
-your grace _ Tyrion tried to change theme_your sister sent raven. Your brother Jon Snow left castle black and traveled with wildings.
Bran groaned quickly!
-he regrets. He blames himself.
-not important right now
-not for you. But for him?
-not now... not now...
-what can we do?
-leave me alone lord Tyrion._said the king

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