Part 30

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When Rhaella comes near her mother's room the girl who normally helloed Daenerys was there. The queen planned to to travel for very important meeting. Dario and Grey Worm were outside of door and waited queen.
-mommy can we speak.
-I have a meeting my love._Dany kissed her forehead deeply.
-I can speak until you get dress.
-Rhaella you need to learn how to wait.
-it's important. You ordered to prission my father.
-yes, for a few times. He wants to speak with his sister... I think... and I don't want to get them free meeting. I need to know where are them.
-so he is free. Can I meet him?
-yes, why not?
-I am so annoying. Do you know what this girl told to me?
-I don't know but I can imagine. Once I met her sister.
-she told me that my father is her family because they grew up together. Mother please kick her out from our house. She wants to separate us with my father.
-I can't do anything Rhaella. It's your father's choice. Stay here or follow his sister.
-he wants to be here.
-so, why are you nervous?
-he wants to be here with you. He loves you too.
-we need to speak about it alone._Daenerys looked back to the young girl who helped her
Daenerys stood up and looked at her daughter. Her sad eyes made her feel bad.
-mother, you can try. Please, I want you two together. My aunt wants to take him far from us again. I can't let him go... I love him mother.
"But I don't know if he loves me enough "_ Daenerys thought inside her mind.can he betray me again? Her Daughter's pain was huge. She understood. How many times Daenerys Targaryen dreamed about family? How many times she dreamed about parents?
Daenerys knew this feelings very well.
-it makes you feel happiness? Rhaella tell me what you want?
-I want you two together. I want family.
-you love him so much?
-he isn't like us. Probably he isn't the most smartest person who I can meet. Probably he isn't perfect but he is who he is. He is my father and we will lose him if we let him go far from us .
-you feel that he is your family but he feels same? He already has a family. And they are the most important people in his life not us._Rhaella cried do loud._you have no idea what he can to do for them _Daenerys mentioned the day when he killed her years ago. This feelings was painful and strong. Dany wanted to protect Her daughter.
This Jon who she fell in love couldn't hurt his own Daughter and woman but Jon who killed Daenerys?
Daenerys wasn't sure.
-so tell me what he can. What he did to you.
-I can't.
-so I'll ask him right now. It's enough. I need the truth... or I'll find it myself.
-I can it. I can find the truth. It's difficult yet but I am trying to see things from past. I will try what I want. Just I need time.
-I don't understand.
-If Brandon Stark can it so I can. Kinvara explained me.
-what? You can see past. From where?
-After I was shooted by arrow.
Rhaella escaped from the room. Dany tried to stop her but she closed the door from inside and didn't let her mother. Dany walked so quickly in Jon's room and guards opened the door before she was near there.
-I want to speak with you.
-how can you enter here without knock? We had a private conversation _Arya asked.
-probably you didn't get attention but this is my home
-and close your mouth until I let you speak ok?_ queen was in nerves and didn't try to be kind with Arya.
-Rhaella tries to find the truth
-what? How? Your people can't speak.
-she can it herself. She told me that if Your brother can so she can it too.
-she has a...
-special strength for it. If she will find how her father killed her mother it destroys her. She loves you do much. This horrible news will destroy her. Jon she can't find the truth . She is so small Jon.
-gods, she will hate me for what I did to you. Yes she loves me but not as much as you.
-I want to protect her from this horrible...
-chshh _Jon stopped her and hugged her quickly _we need to speak with Red Woman. Probably one who can stop he is Kinvara

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