Uke!YūjiTerushima x Seme!MaleReader

Start from the beginning

The two kissing finally noticed and turned in the direction of your laughter. Both male and female tensing, seeing that it was you. They both moved apart quickly and stared at your laughing figure. The girl hugged herself and looked down in shame. She felt shameful for making out with someone she knew that was already taken. He stared at you wide eyes on your lingering feature. He continued to stare at you.

You slowly gained your composure and stopped laughing, but the tears stilling came running out. You walked in their direction, you only made it seem like you were heading in their direction. You walked and stopped 2 meters away (around 6'6 ft).

"I hope you're happy with what you did, Yūji. I honestly hope you're really happy with what you do. I've seen it all. The obvious signs that you're cheating behind my back. I chose to never say any. To see if you would stop. But, I guess I was wrong about that. You'll just never stop, or will you.? We done Yūji. We're over. Please don't come back to me. Just pretend we don't even know each other. We'll most likely never see each other again anyways. This is goodbye. I trusted you, but you were selfish and only thought about you needs, it was never me."

As you were walking home, you decided to call Ushijima, and talk to him about helping you transfer schools over to Shiratorizawa.

~ Time Skip ~ Next Upcoming Monday ~

School hours ended, but Yūji has yet to see you around. He thought about what you said on that Friday, 'we'll most likely never meet again anyways.'

He pushed away the negative thoughts and decided that he would see you during practice. He heads to the gym, but you were still nowhere in sight.

"Coach, have you seen (Y/n) anywhere.??"

"Ah, about (Y/n), he won't be here with us anymore from now on." This caught the attention of everyone on the gymnasium.

"What.?! Why is that.?! Doesn't he go to school here, at Johzenji High..?!"

"The news that I was given shock me quite a lot. It's seems that his transfer papers were done over the weekend was what I was told this morning. The reasoning he gave was that, he move schools due to something personal."

"What school did he transfer to, Coach.?"

"He somehow got into, Shiratorizawa. I'm not sure how he did, but he got in. I think they said he was recommended by someone from the volleyball club too."

Practice soon started, but everyone seemed down by the lose of their manager. The coach easily spotted this and decided to cancel practice.

Yūji decided to go to the cafe that you loved to visit for drinks and/or snacks. Once he entered, he was surprised by what he saw. It was you.

You sat at a table with what he can guess, was the volleyball team. He felt jealous of the volleyball team for seeing the smile that you gave him so many times. The laugh that you showed his when you were together. But now those were gone. Gone due to him being selfish and only thinking of himself, gone due to him being desperate for something. Not being patient enough to wait for you.

He got his order and sat with his back facing your table.

"By the way, (Y/n)-senpai, why did you transfer so late into the school year. Plus, you're a third year too. Isn't there lots of work to do.?"

"Well, to start off. I really didn't plan to transfer anywhere at all, but after what happened. I don't really want to see my ex. Thank you again, Ushijima. For helping me transfer."

"No need to thank me, (Y/n)-san. I'm just helping out a friend, plus i think it's pretty nice to have you on the team."

"Thank you. Really, thank you all of you for accepting me in the team."

You talked with the Shiratorizawa team, while Yūji sat with his back facing your direction, listening to some bits of conversations after what you said before. He held himself back from turning around to beg and apologize over and over to you. But he knew whatever he did, you still wouldn't come back.

After your group left, he left as well. Heading home with a heavy and heart-broken heart. He thought about all the if onlys.
- If only he was more patient
- If only he waited for you
- (mainly) If only he didn't cheat

Word count is 1444. Sorry for any mistakes and if it was bad. Take care everyone.

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