Chapter 11: Count on Me

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      The monitor turned to static and little blurbs of black and gray zipped across the screen. It reminded Lance of dancers twisting, twirling, and writhing across the dance floor in a manic display. He felt like a forced participant in the frenzied dance, stumbling behind the rest of the dancers, just a beat behind the music. The billionaire clenched his fists and snarled at the screen, his body tensing from his spot in his chair. His nails almost broke his skin from how hard he was squeezing them. He wanted to break something. Anything. His self-control was slowly chipping away.

      Lance heard Hunk gulp before grabbing the back of his chair, muttering something too low for him to hear.

      Silence hung over the room like a blanket, smothering the three staring at the screen with unblinking eyes. It continued until the same shriek echoed against the walls, making them wince. From her seat to the right of him, Pidge pressed her palms to her ears and squeezed her eyes shut. Her ill attempt at blocking the noise was in vain, for the shriek was loud enough to rattle skulls.

      The billionaire took his attention back to the monitor and saw Pyro's face slowly materialize through the static until the black and white dots all but disappeared. Her appearance was the same as it has always been, blood red lips and terrifying mask, but with the moonlight shining through a small window behind her gave her a shadowed look that sent shivers down Lance's spine. And just before she started talking, the slight sound of bubbling slinked its way through the feed.

"Heya, Shooty! I can't believe it's already been a day! Me and Baby are having a grand ol' time, aren't you, Baby?"

      From the corner of his eye, he saw Pidge force her eyes open. The camera shifted from her face to the young man and Lance felt the air forced out of his lungs. He slumped against his chair, unable to keep his composure.

      Displayed on the screen, the young man was sprawled across the floor, still bound by the wrists and ankles. His blue lips were dried and cracked. Dried blood caked the skin. He wasn't shivering, a bad sign.

      When he saw what was left of the young man's side, Lance smacked his hand against his mouth and breathed deeply, forcing the bile back down his throat. What used to be his ribcage had become a tangled mass of flesh. Dried blood the color of rust flaked against the torn flesh and in some places, new blood still welled in his wounds.

      The camera stayed on the young man just long enough for him to take in one more significant detail. His chest. It had become one massive blister in the shape of a smeared hand, swollen and red.

      Lance just stood, staring at the screen, detached as his friends rushed to nearby trash bins. His hands shook. He was too overcome with emotion to control his body. Lance blinked and uncurled his fists. Something burned in his chest, but he couldn't identify what it was. Rage? Horror? Sorrow? Maybe it was one. Maybe it was all three, for the feeling was so powerful, Lance felt it would consume him.

      The camera twisted back to Pyro. "I'm really hoping I can fight you, so please hurry up and find us!"

She giggled, "It would be so boring if I have to just kill him."

      Lance's fingers twitched, anxious and ready to destroy something. Anything. He was leaning towards bashing his head into the monitor. That would shut her up. But he watched on, desperately searching for any clues. Nothing. Nothing but darkness.

Pyro continued. "Anyways, I have something special planned for Baby and if you don't get here on time, you'll find him a little different than how I found him!"

      Her voice carried vicious detachment and glee, sending a wave of dread over him. Lance could feel her clawed hands grabbing at the back of his neck, nails scrapping against the soft flesh beneath his ears. Pyro's dead smile split her lips before she said, "Welcome to day two. Tick tock Shooty!"

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