A'Zharia || Zee

" Hey mamas! You ready? " I asked Journee as I put her in her car seat.

She had been at Nau'Jour's mom house for the past two days. She said it looked like I needed a break which is true.

Today is Journee's birthday and I've been party planning and working my ass off. I'm getting her home so I can do her hair and her get clothes on.

I have Zoie and Nick at the center hepling everyone set up everything right for me.

Kenn was coming over to the house to help me with Journee and so I could get myself together as well.

I got home and put Journee right in the tub. As I was washing her I heard the front door open.

" WHO SAID UNCLE KENN WASN'T COMING? " I heard Kenn yell as he walked down the hall.

I laughed, but quickly stopped once Journee got excited and started to splash water everywhere.

She gets excutred as hell whenever she hears Kenn, Nick or Zo. They all have her spoiled rotten.

After I finished her bath I let Kenn get her ready while I got myself together.

Two long hours preparing for this party, we were finally ready. It was Minnie Mouse themed since she likes watching Mickey Mouse so much.

I let Kenn drive his car to the party. I invited some of my cousins that have younger kids as well as Nau'Jour's cousins.

Hopefully this day goes smooth. Nau'Jour's mom was suppose to bring Na'Mier.

I had reached out to Nadia. She said she'd send him by his grandmother if she couldn't make it with him.

I talked to her so we could differences aside for the kids. It's crazy because I'm the one that had to suggest it.

Like I broke someone's relationship up.

As soon as we got to the party Journee jumped out my arms to play. I'm glad she's a happy baby. She loves to play with other kids.

I looked around and saw that Zoie and Nick did an alright job setting up. Now it was time to make sure everything ran smoothly.

Three hours later...

I smashed the cake in Journee's face making her giggle and lick her hand. Everyone laughed at her reaction.

" Okay can the grown folks get cake now? " Nick blurted out making some people laugh and other agree.

" Kenn will you cut the big cake please? " I asked him. He nodded and went to start cutting.

I sat in front of Journee and watched as she played in the cake and ate it at the same time. I adored everything about my babygirl.

I recorded her and put her on my story before taking the cake from her.

I picked her up and took her to the bathroom so I could clean her up. She ran off from me again once we left the bathroom.

I went to go get me some cake too since I was too busy watching Journee.

I stopped in the middle of walking once I felt someone jerk my shoulder. I looked back and saw Nau'Jour's mom. She was smiling with tears coimg down her face.

" He's awake baby. My boy is up. " She said hugging me.

It felt like my heart fell to my ass. I knew this day would come either he'd wake up or pass away. So much stuff replayed through my head at this moment.

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