Chapter 16

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Hadrian's POV
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To say I was annoyed was an understatement. I had to share with three roommates. Granted it was one roommate less than in the Gryffindor dorms, but it was who the roommate were that annoyed me.
Draco had the bed closest to the bathroom while Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott both had their beds roughly across from the door, leaving the bed across from Draco's open.
It was a four poster, like the three other beds, decorated with silver and green drapes and silver silk sheets with the house crest embroidered near the bottom. A giant window filled the empty space behind the bed, displaying the black lake, where the occasional fish would swim by.
The view gave me chills, but I pushed them aside and walked to my trunk. On top of it rested the present Mother have to me before I left. I grabbed it and sat on my bed.
My finger glided over the wrapping paper, the intricate silver paper seemed to shine. I peeled a small portion of the paper off, revealing a box.
I tore the rest of the wrapping, vanishing the remains. My eyes glided over the box. The box was a simple black box, with small carvings running along the sides.
Once the lid was removed, I noticed two items. The first item was a shrunken handheld mirror. I grabbed my wand and regrew it. It was plain silver, the reflective part was foggy, and the handle was wrapped in leather.
I placed it next to me, grabbing at the second and last thing in the box.
It was a bracelet, on the outside it didn't have a design or even a message, but the inside had runes carved into it.
I grabbed a folded parchment from the box. Flipping it around, I saw my name in bold letters. I opened it, words neatly written.
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Happy late birthday. I express my sincere apology because we didn't celebrate. The 16th birthday is a big milestone you know? For your 17th I guess we will just have to celebrate a little bit more for all the birthdays we missed.
In the box there are two items, the first being a mirror. If you keep the mirror on you, when you need to get a hold of me instantly, hold the mirror and say my first name three times. The mirror will also get hot when I am trying to reach you. Think of it as a communication device.
The second item is a bracelet. It had been Tom's idea, he was worried something might happen to you again so he took it upon himself to create you a bracelet that could protect you to a certain degree. It also can be tracked by him, just in case.
Sincerely, Severus
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Someone opened the door just as I put on the bracelet.
I watched the bracelet resize itself so it fit snugly on my wrist.
"What's up?" I looked towards the door, where Draco stood.
"I didn't know you would be my roommate." he sniffed, walking towards his bed.
"Well I suppose I didn't see it coming either."
Draco frowned, sitting down on his bed.
"It feels nice to be back at hogwarts." The blond sighed, falling into the sheets.
"It does." I nodded, fidgeting with my new bracelet.
Draco laughed, "Sometimes I forget that you told me you came before. It makes me wonder, what house were you in before? It obviously wasn't Slytherin since we haven't lost any Slytherins besides the eighth years. Yet I can't help but think you act like a Slytherin." He huffed.
"Your forgetful and remind me of a Gryffindor at times, yet I can't imagine you as a Gryffindor."
"I didn't ask for your feedback." I growled, only to be ignored.
"You didn't look happy to be sorted into Slytherin earlier, were you trying to get into your old house?" Draco went silent, "Never-mind that, you were sorted into Slytherin for a reason, right? I suppose we will just have to get used to each other."
Malfoy closed his eyes, swishing his wand and mumbling a few transfiguration spells, turning his uniform into presumably soft pajamas.
I smiled, Draco was so oblivious to how much he would have to get used to, and there still had yet to be the shock of Harry Potter's Death.
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The next morning was quiet. Hadrian was up early, with his roommates still sleeping, he slipped out of bed, quickly changing into his school robes. The silver bracelet secure around his wrist.
Grabbing his wand, he fled the room quickly, heading to the great hall. It was early enough so very few would be there.
He opened the great hall doors, scanning the room. His eyes hovered near the Gryffindor table, where Hermione Granger sat reading a book.
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Hadrian's POV
"I hope you don't mine an awful lot that I chose to sit here." I smiled at the girl, who finally decided to look up from her book.
"Hadrian!" her eyes lit up, "I didn't expect for you to talk to me again so soon, or at all."
"Why wouldn't I?" I put on a sincere expression. Looking deep into her eyes, I searched for any hidden feelings.
"Well, Slytherins are known to have a grudge against muggleborns. I figured they might have changed your mind about being friends with me."
"They didn't, and they won't. I think they believe I'm a muggleborn, because of my unrecognizable name." I looked to my hands which were neatly folded in my lap. "Aren't you a muggleborn?" She whispered the last part.
I looked around, seeing no one around, I answered her.
"No. I am a halfblood, my Father had a muggle dad and a witch mum, that's why the name isn't recognizable."
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962 Words

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