Chapter 15

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Hello! Sorry for taking so long! I have major writer's Block. I rewrote this chapter three times! THREE TIMES. I don't like the way I went about writing this chapter, but I suppose I can't dwell on it too long. The next chapters will be better, I just need to describe how Hadrian settles in.
Also, more details about Hadrian's parents and how they ended up together in a few chapters, I know some of you are confused.
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Draco stared off into the distance, ignoring the chatter that echoed through the Great Hall. Four long tables filled with children waited anxiously for the Welcome Feast, as well as the Sorting.
Somehow word got around about the new transfer, many students chat animatedly among the tables, betting on which house he would be in. Pansy and Blaise sat on either side of Draco, being all too loud for his liking.
"He's got red hair!" Pansy exclaimed. "He is probably a distant relative of the Weasley's or something! Totally going to be a Gryffindor!"
"I doubt it! Draco invited him into our compartment! That has to mean something!" Blaise huffed.
"Draco only implied an invite, he never verbally asked him." Pansy countered, only to be cut off from the rest of her argument by Draco snapping.
"I'm right here you know!" He growled, "Also, in case I didn't make it obvious enough, I don't care what bloody house he ends up in! Snape just asked me to watch out for him since he is new!"
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Draco's POV
My eyes lingered at the gryffindor table, Potter was missing. Couldn't he at least try to make it to the sorting? I sneered. Stupid Potter, he's always so oblivious.
Weasley and Granger chat, smiling at each other like a lovesick couple. Were they even aware they were missing their leader? What went on in their Gryffindor minds?
The hall's doors opened, revealing Dumbledore, Hadrian, and the first years.
The hall quickly quieted down as Hadrian was spotted. Many making mental notes of which rumors they believed to be true.
Dumbledore ushered Hadrian to the stool, whispering into the Vampire's ear, who in return started nodding every so often.
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Hadrian's POV
Dumbles whispered to me about the sorting, whispering about how I would do well in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, maybe even Ravenclaw.
"Sir? What about that house over there?" I pointed to Slytherin, "The green house."
Dumbledoof laughed, "That, my boy, is Slytherin. That house is dark, made of future Dark Lords and Death Eaters. They cheat, lie, and steal. That house just wouldn't do for you!"
I tensed, I may not want to go to that house, but that didn't mean I liked people slandering the house.
"Er- Right, okay. Thank you Headmaster."
"Call me Dumbledore."
"Dumbledore. Got it." I forced a smile as the old man's eyes twinkled.
  The headmaster took a few steps away, towards a podium Hadrian remembered from earlier years, where he would give his speeches and announcements, which Hadrian effectively stopped listening to after the first couple of times.
- - -
  It was weird, to have the sorting hat on his head after so many years. To feel the simple prodding of the old hat.
"It's been a while," Hadrian mumbled softly.
"Indeed, you have changed." A small smile worked its way into Hadrian's face.
"I believe I have. Perhaps for the worst, but at least I'm happy now." Hadrian wondered, "Do you think you could sort me into gryffindor?"
The hat was silent for a moment.
"No, I don't believe I can. You are brave, but I think you would do well In Slytherin. Your ambitious, cunning, and resourceful. You're a real Slytherin, Merlin be damned if I sorted you into Gryffindor."
"Better be SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat declared, earning a low amount of cheers and pitiful looks from Granger and Weasley.
  Hadrian scowled as he made his way towards the end of Slytherin table, listening to the quiet rumors being shared among the students.
"I heard he is a mudblood." a brunette whispered.
"No way! A mudblood in our house?" A lanky boy hissed, giving Hadrian a disgusted look.
  Hadrian finally gave to the end of the table, deciding to sit across from a rabbit-like boy who, much to Hadrian's pleasure, had his face way to buried in a book to notice Hadrian's appearance.
  Theodore Nott, Hadrian recognize him as, his father was loyal to Voldemort. Theo was a loner and preferred to spend his time studying.
  The feast had started and was well underway when Draco approached Hadrian, when he decided to take the liberty to sit next to Hadrian.
"You're not eating very much." Draco helpfully pointed out.
"I'm not hungry for food." Hadrian supplied, picking up his goblet with a suspiciously red color.
Draco stared, he hadn't been expecting that answer.
"Uh, Okay." Draco responded numbly, scratching his neck and turning away. Moments went by as an uncomfortable silence trapped the pair, only to be broken by Hadrian.
"What do you want?" He smiled.
"Oh right!" Draco flushed, "I was wondering if you wanted me to help you to the dorms when you finish."
"No." Hadrian responded. He had been there before, when Ron and him polyjuiced themselves into Crabb and Goyle. Granted, they did get lost in the dungeons, but surely he will remember the way this time around?
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Hadrian's POV
I didn't. I was lost in the seemingly endless maze called the dungeons.
"Dammit-" I cursed.
Catching my breath I slumped against a wall and stared at the ceiling. Listening to the quiet sounds the castle made. Soft creaks and groans from the ancient castle and the soft tapping of shoes? I stood up and brushed myself off, looking down the corridor I was certain they were coming from.
I walked that way, excuses swarming my mind, only to stop short when they rounded the corner of the corridor.
Theodore Nott came around the corner, a book held in his left hand while his right hand was glued to his side.
The boy glided over, stopping mere inches away from my person.
"I knew it." Theodore declared. "You got lost didn't you?"
I twitched, he knew?
"When I- overheard, your conversation with Draco, I knew you would get lost." He smirked, "I can help you to the dorms, as a small favor- only if your willing to return it though."
I raised an eyebrow. A favor? It wouldn't be good to be in debt to a Slytherin so soon. I stayed quiet, waiting for him to say something else.
It was silent for several moments, yet Nott didn't even bat an eye.
"Take all the time you need to 'think' about it. We both know you will be lost in here for ages more without my help."
I wanted to growl at him, to maybe even threaten him, but I couldn't. He knew I couldn't.
"Do we have an understanding?" He paused, before holding out his hand.
"Fine! But don't expect me to do any favors I deem bigger than leading me out of a maze!" I growled, earning a soft giggle from the boy.
"I wouldn't expect you to. I'd like to imagine your smart."
I grabbed his hand, letting out a small yelp when he turned on his heel, and walked the same direction he came, still holding a strong grasp on my hand.
"I don't believe I introduced myself have I? I'm Theodore Nott. You can call me Theo, but don't expect me to be your friend." he stopped, staring at a wall.
"I do believe we have arrived."Theodore uttered, "Mudblood."
The wall parted.
Just then he released my hand, causing me to stumble in.
"Don't forget about that favor you now owe me." He walked into the common room.
It was exactly how I remembered it, dark, green, and covered in snake themed items.
Sitting on an emerald chair Theo opened up the book he had been reading earlier.
My upper lip twitched, but I said nothing. I sauntered to the right corridor that led to the rooms.
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HEY YALL, sorry If you don't like how Theo was portrayed this chapter- I couldn't find much information on him, just small things that didn't help me. If the majority of you don't like the way he is portrayed, then I can go back and change him- Just tell me!
I am writing more chapters as you read this, so there should be a surplus of chapters soon, Until then!
1422 Words

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