Chapter 9

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I turned to Marlow, "The only way we can make it to Packard in time is if we call one of the crawlers." Everybody in the group stared at me. Marlow nodded at me.

"I trust you with my life, Liz. Do what you need to do." I looked over at Mason and James. They both nodded at me. I whistled a three note pattern calling out to Scar. I waited quietly listening for Scar. Everybody held their breath when they heard a rhythmic stomping come closer. I looked over to the right to see Scar staring at the group growling. I walked up to him and gently rubbed his face.

"Hey, buddy it's good to see you. Don't growl at them, they're my friends." I grabbed James's hand and pulled him slowly towards Scar. "Put your hand right next to mine, James." He stared at me like I was crazy. "Please, just do it." James put his hand on Scar's nose. James visibly tightened up when Scar nuzzled his hand. "See, he likes you. Come on, guys. We don't have long before Packard wakes up the Alpha. We need to go now!" I helped everybody get on the back of Scar before I quickly jumped on. "Let's go, buddy. Everybody hang on to each other!" Scar took off into a sprint towards the river. We could hear Kong roar out in pain as we got even closer. "Faster, Scar!" We were about two hundred yards away from Packard when I told everybody to get off of Scar. I sent him off away from where the battle was going to happen. We finally made it to see Kong on the ground not moving. "NO!" I screamed out as I ran towards Kong. All of the soldiers whipped around to face me. "PACKARD!!!" I pointed my katana at him. "Don't do it." Hank pointed his katana and his gun at two of the soldiers including Slivko.

"We don't want a fight here, Packard." James stated calming with his gun pointing at Packard.

"This thing brought us down. He killed my men!" Packard screamed at us.

"Kong was just defending his territory," I said slowly.

"We are soldiers!" Packard yelled. "We do the dirty work so our families and countrymen don't have to be afraid. They shouldn't even know that a thing like this exists."

"You've lost your mind. Put the detonator down," I said stiffly.

"Stop!" I turned to see that Mason finally joined us. "The world is bigger than this."

"Bitch, please. Slivko, get them out of here." I looked over at Slivko who looked completely torn about what he should do. After looking around at everybody he finally turned toward Packard.

"Put it down, sir," He said with his voice wavering slightly. Packard quickly pulled out his gun.

"Packard, it's over" James yelled. Everybody slowly lowered their guns, but the ground began to shake under everybody's feet. I turned to see in the center of the lake that the water was coming up like a geyser. After a moment I saw Alpha finally come up and head our way.

"That's the big one," Hank said quietly.

"Fall back!" James yelled at everybody. I quickly ran to the trees, but I noticed that James and Mason were still behind. Mason quickly joined me, but she turned around to take a picture of Alpha. James quickly ran up, grabbed Mason by her waist and carried her away. "Kong's down. We need to go!" We ran until everybody reached the lake.

"This is the edge of the island," I said panting. "Mason, get up on those rocks. Fire a flare." I told her as I pointed to one of the tallest peaks.

"Brooks will probably see it." James reassured. We heard a loud roar off in the distance. "We'll buy you some time." Mason quickly ran towards the peak as fast as she could.

"This way." I yelled out to everybody as I took off into a sprint. James took the lead as we entered the lake.

"Come on. Every second counts." He tells us, as he leads us through the lake.

"Cole." I turned around to see one of the soldiers dropped his gun into the lake. "Come on man, we gotta fall back!" I watched as Cole turned to face his fellow comrades.

"Go live your life. Get out of here." I stared in confusion until he turned his back to us and faced Alpha. I watched as Cole pulled the pin from one of his grenades. He stands with open arms waiting to be eaten. We all scrambled to grab Mills because he started to head towards Alpha. We watched as Alpha decided not to eat Cole but decided to whip him into the side of the mountain. We scrambled as quickly as we could to get away from Alpha, but I turned in time to see Kong smash a giant boulder into Alpha's head. I jumped up and screamed.

"Get him Kong!"

Lost & Found- James ConradWhere stories live. Discover now