Chapter 4

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Hank led the way towards the boat. When the group finally saw the boat a couple of them groaned. "You have got to be kidding me," mumbled one of the scientists under their breath. I chuckled quietly so Hank couldn't hear.

"Well that's lovely," said Conrad sarcastically.

"Damn right," replied Hank full of confidence. Hank and I got onto the boat, while the rest of the group was at the entrance of the boat or they were with the Iwis.

"Can this thing even float?" Slivko questioned. Conrad quietly laughed. I elbowed him in the ribs to stop him. He looked at me with confusion.

"Gunpei, Hank, and I spent six years of our lives building this thing. It's called the Grey Fox. She floats." I remarked quickly.

"Name really goes well with the painted shark on the front," Silvko quietly muttered.

"I pulled engine parts from my P-51 and his old Zero," Hank stated proudly. Victor, the scientist guy, was walking around the ship.

"You've got to be kidding me! This machine is made out of pure tetanus," Victor remarked loudly.

"I know she isn't pretty to look at but it's nothing a couple of extra hands can't fix. Unless you got a better idea, I suggest we get cracking," said Hank. Conrad and Slivko looked at me.

"After you, gentleman." Conrad chuckled to himself as he began to work on the ship. While we worked Hank and I began to ask the guys questions about themselves and the world. "Slivko, how do you know how to do all of the wiring for the engine?" He paused from working on the engine.

"Pop's a mechanic. If I can't fix this, he'll disown me," He answered. I heard Hank ask Conrad about the war.

"Hold up on that Churchill. Russia was our ally, now you say we're at war with them?" I knew about it, but it didn't really affect me or my mother. I turned to look at Hank and Conrad.

"It's more of a Cold War," Conrad tried to explain.

"The Cold War like, that they take the summers off?" Hank asked curiously. I started to laugh. All of the boys turned to look at me. "Do you know something about this Liz?" I smiled.

"The Cold War didn't really impact me a whole much when I lived in England. It was more of a rumor rather than an actual war." Everybody stared at me.

"And you didn't tell me?" Hank asked.

"You've never asked." I shrugged. I felt Conrad's eyes follow me closely.

"What about the Cubs? The Cubs win a World Series yet?" I smiled as I continued to work. Though I would catch Conrad glancing at me every once in a while.

"The Cubs?" Slivko said sarcastically. "Man, not even close. Were they ever good?" I saw Hank stare at Slivko.

"Happens to be my team. Where are you from?" Hank asked.

"Detriot," Slivko answered without looking up.

"Okay, the Tigers there. They win at all this year?" Hank challenged.

Slivko began to pout, "I don't know."

"I doubt it yeah," Hank snapped.

Slivko bowed his head in defeat until he finally remarked back, "Hey, what do you think would win in a fight, a tiger or a cub?" I finally got over and smacked Slivko on the back of the head.

"I'm from England, and I know that's not how it works," I remarked. I heard Conrad and Hank both laugh at that comment. We continued to diligently for the rest of the day until the sun began to set. When I saw Slivko yawn I knew I had to say something. "Hank, we need to head back in. We can finish the boat tomorrow." We all started walking back towards the village. Hank and I were walking next to each other until I got ahead. "I'm going out for a little bit. I'll be back soon." I turned around expecting to see Hank, but instead, I ran into Conrad. "I'm so sorry, Conrad. I didn't know that you were right behind me," I stuttered as I blushed beet red.

"Where are you going, Liz?" He asked.

"I'm going to patrol the island with Scar." I turned to walk away but he grabbed my wrist.

"Why? You can stay with us here."

"Conrad, I still have an island to protect."

"Kong protects this island and you know it." I turned to look at him.

"James, I just need a break. I've been here by myself for the past fifteen years. So when you see somebody from your past, it's hard to process." He stared at me.

"Just be safe, Liz." I turned away. "Wait, Liz before you go I want to do something." I turned to face him. I was going to ask what he wanted but my thoughts were interrupted by his lips being pressed against mine. I was shocked at first, but eventually, I began to kiss him back. He pulled away from me with a smile. "I'll see you soon, darling." He kissed me gently then turned and started to head towards the village. I was left there alone thinking about the kiss. After a moment I took off into a sprint. When I was a safe distance away from the village, I whistled calling out to Scar. I sat in silence until I heard a low growl behind me. I turned to face him.

"Hey, buddy. It's good to see you again." I patted Scar on the nose before I climbed unto his back. "Let's go." Scar ran around, while I sat in thought. I can't stop thinking about James and our past. "Scar, I think it's time to tell James the truth."

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