Chapter 10

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Everybody quickly turned to escape the battle for dominance between Kong and Alpha. As I ran, I quickly turned and noticed Kong stuck against a mountain as Alpha's sharp teeth dug into his neck. He was finally able to get scurry away by a nasty blow to the throat. I jumped at the sound of the flare exploding. I saw Mason wave a hand at me as I put my hand up to let her know I saw her. My boots were completely soaked from running through the lake. My calves were burning as I kept pushing to escape the emanate danger that I was in. I ran up to James and led him to a part of the lake that wasn't as deep so we could possibly have a chance to outrun this battle. We all stopped briefly when we saw a massive piece of wood drop several feet in front of us. We whipped around to see Kong with a tree trunk in his hand. A scream was trapped in my throat as I saw Alpha send Kong into an old ship wreckage. He tried to get up but he was wrapped in many chains. Alpha sauntered forward and pressed his claws on his chest and throat. Just as Alpha was going to give the final blow, the sound of a gun came from behind us. We turned around and cheered when we saw Brooks and San attacking Alpha while on the boat. We booked towards our only chance of safety when we noticed that the gun stopped firing. "Shit! Marlow, a little help here!" Brook quickly moved out of the way as Marlow took over trying to fix our weapons. I watched as Alpha made eye contact with me as he made his way over to destroy our boat. "Come on!" Marlow's hands shook as he tried to fix the problem. I noticed Kong breaking out of the chains, but I knew it was going to be too late if we didn't fix the gun now.
"Liz, it's not working! Marlow yelled out to me." I quickly ran over and kicked the gun at the base. Just as I did so the gun started back up. "Clear! Clear! GO!" Brooks began to fire again at Alpha. I noticed James looking at Alpha with a mischievous smirk.
    "Come on you bastard." He took off into a sprint trying to draw Alpha's attention from the boat. Alpha turned and started to follow James. I felt my throat constrict as I saw Alpha come close to James, but I knew if I screamed then Alpha would attack the boat. I stared in awe as Kong used the old ship's propeller as a way to reign in Alpha. Kong through Alpha into the mountain beside him and I screamed as I heard Mason scream and fall into the water below her. I watched Kong slit open Alpha's throat, ending the battle. I smiled softly as Kong went to go save Mason from her watery grave. All of my happy thoughts scattered as Alpha jumped on Kong and pulled his fist into his mouth. I immediately noticed that Kong started pulling harder and I knew what he was trying to do. "KONG, WAIT!" Before I knew it Kong had pulled out all of Alpha's internal organs trying to save Mason. I felt tears well-up in my eyes as I felt Hank pull me into a hug. He rubbed my back as I cried into his chest. Despite all that has happened, Alpha and the rest of the skull crawlers like Scar and Loki were there for me as I grew up. Now it was time for me to move on and return to the world I left behind. James ran over to Mason making sure that she was okay before watching Kong walk away one last time. As we rode to the north shore I snuggled into James chest as I thought about future. Though, my thoughts were interrupted by Mason.

"This place will change. Word will get out, it always does." James hugged me tighter.

"No, it's not coming from us."  I smiled softly at him. Marlow started singing softly to himself as he looked at a picture of his wife and son. I heard a loud roar and I turned to see Scar standing near the top of one of the cliffs. I made my way to the edge of the boat and whistled a song I never thought I would ever sing. He bowed his head before giving one final roar and turned back towards the heart of Skull island. The place where I was lost then finally found.
I sat in the chair with my legs up on the table as James stared into the glass. "You going to sit there in the dark? Is this fun for you? I promise I won't tell the Russians."

"I promise I will tell the Russians!" Mason and I stated at the same time.

"They'll tell the Russians," James muttered as he walked over to us and sat down. "Why are you keeping us here?

"I want to go home," Mason complained.

"This is quite a welcome since I haven't been back to a continent in fifteen years." I smarted off.

"We get it. There was no island. We were never on an island."

"Island? What island?" We all turned to see Brooks walking through the door.

"Brooks, what the hell is going on?"

"Welcome, to MONARCH. This island was just the beginning." I tensed up as Brooks contiuned to talk about other creatures. "Kong... is not the only king." I stared at the final photo and felt a ghostly electrical current travel through me.


*OH MY GOODNESS, IM FINALLY DONE! It's been incredible to write and complete this story after writing this for almost a year. (It's about time) Thank you for all those who have been following this story since the beginning.*

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