"How am I making it a big deal? I just asked you a question. You know Jack, I'm not doing this right now." I said heading out to the beach.
I walked for a while and sat at my spot. I don't know when it became my spot but I just know that ever since I lost my baby, every time I walk on the beach I come and sit at the same place and just look at the waves and think about everything and nothing in particular. I stayed there for about 20 minutes. It was a bit cold and the sun was already going down so I decided to head back into the house.
I found those two still on the couch talking about baseball and drinking beer.

I took a glass of wine and joined them in the living room. I remembered the small wine cellar I have at my house. I wonder what will happen to my wine collection.
"I am so sorry kid if I took it a bit far, but I don't regret punching that guy you used to call your husband. I would do it again anytime I get a chance." Jack started.

"It's fine, at least you managed to get him to sign the papers, so it's all over. If he is to be punched the next time, that's none of my business." I told him.

"I have to leave now. I have to be in New York by this time tomorrow, but I will be back to handle everything next week," he said giving me a big hug. He said his goodbyes to Erastus and left.

"Spill it. Who called you and why?" I asked Erastus the moment I heard the front door closing. I looked at him with a serious look because I know he will try to avoid the conversation.

"Mark called and told me that you beat Jack up because he was in a fight with your...... Evan I mean and that you went back to him," he said.

"That's so not true. Jack called home and twisted the whole story." I said. I swear my family is very dramatic. I mean this wasn't even an issue and they are making it so big and calling in the reinforcement. Jack has a very big mouth.

"I didn't come here to stop you though, I came here to pack up your things for you. I mean if you were going back, you were going to need your things right?" he said shrugging and laughing. I looked for anything near me that I can throw at him for being so dumb.

"So, are we hitting a club to celebrate and welcome you back to being single?" he asked.

"No way."

"Why not?"

"Because it's a weeknight and you, my friend, have a fiancée, so I am going clubbing alone. I don't need a wingman."

"Come on, Rose would love to come along, I am sure," he said trying his best to convince me.
I have to admit, it wasn't the worst idea, especially knowing that he is full of bad ideas, but I am not so up to it. I haven't been to a club in ages now so it wasn't just my scene anymore.

"Fine, but on a Saturday or Sunday. I almost forgot to tell you that I got an offer to go work at the new Capricorn Group office opening in London for a few years." I told him.

"That's great. Did you take the offer?" he asked.

"No, I do want to go, like a new place, and at a perfect time because I need to start my life over, but I don't know why I didn't say yes yet."

"Wait, for how long?"

"Two to three years apparently, and I leave in a month or two," I answered.

"Damn. So you are not going to plan my yellow wedding? That's a shame." he said a bit disappointed.

"Looks that way, but we will still be in touch. My opinion can still be heard even if it's over the phone." I assured him.

"You have to take the offer, Liz, you need it and you deserve a fresh start. Just do make sure to come to my wedding or I will not forgive you even in the next life. Let's just hope you will not be wearing a yellow dress." he said.

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