What the lump?

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Fiona's POV
I woke up and looked to my left to see the clock! Oh glob! 7:30pm Cakes gunna kill me! I got up put my shoes on and walked out the door. I saw Marshall there holding my backpack out to me. I grabbed it and was about to thank him when.

"Come on bunny I'll give you a ride." He said while leading me to the garage.

"Thanks." I said then I walked into the garage and got in his car. He got in to then pulled out of the space.

"No problem, but where's your house anyway?" He asked.

"It's the greenish house on adventure street." I told him, he nodded and headed in the direction of my house. When we got there I didn't see Cakes car!

"She must still be at work." I mumbled after thanking Marshall again.

"What?" Marshall asked.

"Oh I just said that my sisters still at work. So she won't freak that I'm late." I sighed.

"Cool, well bye." Marshall said as he started walking towards the car. Ugh now I'm gunna be bored.

"Hey Lee, wanna hang out?" I asked he looked over at me with a 'wtf' face on then nodded. We walked over to my front door and when we got inside we took off our shoes. Cake's rule.

"Wanna watch Heat Signature?" I asked, he nodded and sat down on the couch. Geez, talk about awkward! What's up with him being all silent. I walked over and put the movie on then went and made popcorn. The timer beeped so I grabbed my popcorn and sat down on the couch.

"Hey Marsh you want some popcorn?" He shock his head. OK WHAT THE JUNK!? Why isn't he talking? He's making this awkward! I paused the movie and situated my body so I was facing him.

"Ok what the junk man? Why are you being so silent? If u don't wanna hang that's fine I'm not trying to force you to. You can go if u want." I said.

"Sorry, you just smell good." What the what?

"W-what?" I said. Damn I can feel my cheeks heating up. Then he faced me. What the? His eyes, how are they red?

"Fiona?" I leaned towards him. Ugh I can't control what I'm doing! What the lump am I doing anyways? Without breaking eye contact I heard myself say.

"Yes Marshall?" Before he answered he took my head and turned it so his mouth was next to my ear.

"Sorry." Then I felt two things poke into my neck. Almost immediately I came out of the trance and started pushing him away from me. But I could feel my energy slowly draining.

"Marshall stop!" I yelled but nothing happened. Ugh I'm so tired now! Oh glob am I gunna die? I don't want to die. I felt warm tears start streaking down my checks. Everything started fading away into blackness but before I passed out I heard Marshall say.

"Oh glob Fiona I'm so sorry! Don't die ok? Just hang in there!" Then I passed out.

Sorry if it sucks I didn't really know what to write so I just kept going with whatever popped into my head next.

Also if u wanna be in the story just right a summery of ur character in the comments! Thx y'all!
-love Emmy

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