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Marshall POV (after Fi passed out)

Oh glob! What did I do? Glob damn it Marshall you need to help her! I licked the spot where I had bitten her, the marks disappeared but she was still cold and hardly breathing. Damn only one thing left to do. I popped my fangs out and cut open my wrist, my blackish(Krona from Soul Eater anyone?) red blood started pouring out of my veins. Carefully I tilted Fi's head back and force feed her my blood. The weird think is that when she started sucking on my wrist it kinda turned me on. Isn't this supposed to hurt? She licked the gash on my arm as if trying to get as much of my blood into her as she could.

"Fi?" I asked, Her body was still kind of cold but she was breathing evenly now. She opened her blue eyes and looked straight into mine. Then she took her mouth off my wrist and shuttered as if registering that she had just been greedily swallowing down mouthfuls of my blood.

"W-what just happened?" She asked while holding her stomach like she was going to puke. While I would to if I was her.

"I'm sorry, I thought we could be friends but I just couldn't handle it. Once I got a taste of you I couldn't help it! I lost control! You almost died and I'm so sorry Fi!" Damn now I'll move again, it's just like when I lived in Ooo! She looked at me as I was a monster. Well I guess I am.

"Marshall what are you talking about?" Ugh doesn't she get it?!

"I almost killed you! You went freaking limp in my arms!" I yelled more at myself then her.

"What? How?" She asked scooting away from me. As to be expected.

"I drank your blood. Almost every last drop." I said.

"What?" She asked shock clearly written all over her expression.

"I drank you-" she cut me off.

"No I heard you! What does this make you?! A vampire or demon or something?!" She yelled.

"Both actually." I said then she shock her head and got up from the couch. She wobbled a bit then she regained her composer.

"Marshall Lee, if that's even your real name, get out of my house. NOW!" She yelled pointing one finger at me. I did as she asked, but before I left I said bye. I wasn't leaving quite yet I needed to see if my thought was correct. I flew around the corner to where her window was and saw her break down into tears. As I thought. Then I drove home. Once I got there I checked my phone to see that someone had texted me.

Fiona's POV

Why do I feel this way? I thought while rubbing the remaining tears away with the warm shower water. I got out and put on some sweats and a green tank top. Why do I miss him? He's a freaking demon! I checked my phone since cake hadn't come home yet and realized that she had texted me, and that I had responded? But I was passed out then. Must have been Marshall, knowing him he probably put his number in my contacts. I looked and finally found it under 'The hottest guy in class' true but he's still way cocky. Wait what? I texted him anyway.

'What did you do to me?
- Fiona' after a few seconds he replied.

'What are you talking about
- Marshall'

'Im talking about this feeling! It's weird and I don't know if I should cry, laugh, or run to u! I don't know what's going on and I don't even know why I'm telling you all this!' I felt a couple of tears fall down my cheeks. What wrong with me?

'Fi I'm sorry but since you drank my blood and I drank yours we are now imprinted. Which means whether we like it or not we will start slowly becoming more and more passionate towards each other. Until you become my Queen and I your king. Fi I'm so sorry.' What? More tears fell, then I got an other text.

'Stop crying it won't be that bad.' What how does he know I'm crying.

'How did you know I was crying?' I asked.

'Thats an other thing, we can feel each other's emotions. Like if ur scared I know it and vise versa.'

'Oh ok, I'm going to get some sleep now. Night.'

'Night, Fi' after that I feel asleep.

Ok I know it sucked but anyways I hope you liked it! Well Fiona and Marshall sure had a very long and hectic day, huh?


-love Emmy

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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