Blood Lust

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Marshall's POV
- Back at the coffee shop------------------
Some guy called to Fiona from behind me. I turned around and saw some tall redhead. Fiona backed up a step and I could hear her heart pounding in her chest. The guy asked if they could talk.

"Fiona are you ok? We can leave if u want." I said.

"No it's ok get your coffee, I'll be right back. Come on Francis let's talk outside." She said then they walked outside. I followed them and when they went behind the corner I stood on the other side to listen in. Yes I'm eavesdropping so what?

"Fiona don't get all sassy with me. You know you left me there to fend for myself right? You left me after I had stood by you for so long!" He yelled what the junk is he talking about?

"I left because you were going to leave me to fend for myself! You standing by me? What a load of crap! You made me take the blame every time you and your friends got in trouble! You made me think that you loved me! No one believed me when I said you were the one who pushed Cali of that bridge! I had to leave!" Fiona yelled at him. What happened? He pushed some Cali girl off a bridge?

"Shut up u little bi**h!" He yelled then I heard a slam, the smell of blood instantly flooded my mind. It's sweet scent of cinnamon and the warmth it supplied. It's so deliciou- my thoughts were cut off by the sound of a slap across someone's face. I rushed out to see Fiona sliding down the wall with the redhead right in front of her. Acting on instinct I started punching the guy, until he was lying on the floor.

"M-Marshall?" Said someone from behind me. I turned around to see Fiona on the ground almost passed out due to blood loss. She looked up and locked eyes with me her expression became shocked then she passed out. I walked over to her but the closer I got the harder it was for me to control myself. I felt my fangs pop out and dig into my lower jaw. I was yearning for the warm, sweet taste of her blood. slowly I walked over to her and grabbed her head carefully, lowering my mouth to her wound. Im losing control. I licked it filling up instantly with it's warmth, I kept licking her cut. She tasted great. Then she moaned painfully in my arms, that's when I noticed one of my fangs poking her head. Damn.

"Sorry Fi." I said then licked the now cool blood off of her hand then stood up, and carried her to my car. I drove fast towards my house. When I got there I laid her in my bed then walked to get the first aid kit. When I got back I wrapped some gauze around her head then left to find something to eat. On my way to the kitchen I saw Fiona's backpack and heard her phone go off. It was a text from someone named Cake saying that she wouldn't be home tonight, I replied with a K. Then after putting in my contact I grabbed some strawberries and sucked the red out of them while watching TV.

"""""Time skip 2 hours"""""""""""""""

I got up because I heard Fiona waking up and walked towards my bedroom. When I got there Fiona opened the door, walked out and bumped into me causing her to fall on her butt.

"We have to stop meeting like this Bunny." I said with a smirk. She looked up at me.

"Where am I?" She asked while rubbing her now probably sore butt.

"My place you passed out 2 hours ago after talking with that dude." I saw her tense up then relax again. Then she said.

"Sorry for dragging you into this."

"It's fine." I said while reaching down to help her up, she took a long time staring in my eyes. what the junk?

"What's up Fi?" I asked.

"Oh um it's nothing?" She said but it sounded more like a question.

"No what's up?" I asked looking deep in her eyes semi forcing her to awnser. I said SEMI. I mean she obviously already wanted to tell me.

"It's just earlier I thought your eyes were red. Stupid right?" She said while rubbing the back of her neck. Shiz she saw that. Damn blood lust! I looked her deep in the eyes again an told her to go rest. She said a quick 'night' then she passed out. Her left inner writs was showing bright blue veins. I walked over to her and took her small wrist in my hands then placed my lips to it, felling the warm blood swish through her veins. I heard her moan painfully but she didn't wake up then her warm blood flooded into my mouth.

"Ugh." she said while slightly pulling her wrist causing me to come back to reality. Damn I need to stop this. But my saliva will help heal her, I reasoned with myself. No more Marshall! I yelled at myself then pulled my fangs out of her wrist, I licked the little holes on her wrist making them heal. Then I kissed her forehead.

"Night Fi, and sorry."

Hope you like it. I thought Marshall needed his own chapy! So yeah like and comment plz. If u wanna be in this story just write a quick summery of ur character in the comments!
-love Emmy

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