Ch. 15 ' Cool like Coolers.

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I wake with a start, my sleep rudely interrupted by an intense ringing. Feeling very muzzy, I'm still trying to make out where the noise came from when something cold —which turns out to be water— splashes on my face.

I shake my head roughly.
What in the world is happening!

Jason stands in front of my bed; arms crossed and face dispassionate. Last night! I grip the wet duvet to my chest. I'm done for. I had planned to avoid him for the rest of my life.

What else is he going to do?

I look beside me and my heart breaks. Mom is nowhere to be found. I'm entirely at Jason's mercy. I use my hand to feel beneath the sheet for the apology letter I wrote last night. When I come up nothing, I blurt the next thing on my mind. 

"I'll give you my phone to break. That'll make us even right?"

He closes his eyes and heaves, as if calming himself.
"Ten minutes," he says.


"That's how much time you have to prepare for school. If you're not ready before then, I'll leave."

"It's morning already?"

It feels like it has only been an hour since I slept.

Jason ignores my question, choosing to leave.

"Wait wait wait, ten minutes? How will I have an extra sleep session, brush, take my bath, dress up and eat in just ten minutes," I gesture with my fingers, "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten minutes! It's not possible."

In response, Jason glances at his wristwatch. "A minute is gone already. Another has begun counting, so can choose to sit your silly ass there and keep complaining or start doing what you have to do."

"Okay, but was this necessary?" I ask, my eyes travelling the wet bed.

You should be thanking God you're not getting your head blown off.
Shut up.

His eyes turn to slits, firing arrows. I disappear beneath the duvet.

"You don't, you really don't, want to know how long I stood here calling your name without success. Do you know what you'd even hate to know? I had better ideas. I was just being nice."

He marches out, closing the door with so much force I fear it'll break in two. Shedding imaginary tears, I drag myself out of bed.

* * * * *

I grab my wristwatch and race out, knowing —yet hoping otherwise— Jason would've left. I didn't keep track, but I know a lot of time has been wasted after I somehow managed to doze off in the tub.

A sigh escapes my mouth when I see Jason leaning on a settee. I run to him and put on my wristwatch. I tried, without success, to do so on the way.

"I'm ready," I say.

My smile freezes when my eyes land on Jason. He's seething.

"You spent twenty minutes. Twenty effing minutes." —I scratch my nape— "You know the worst part, you made a total rubbish of it."

Of what?

"Did you look in the mirror?" he asks, and it's obvious his calmness is taking a lot of effort.

I shake my head.

A few seconds later...

"Are you gonna stare at me all day?"

I stand still, staring blankly. "Uhm . . . what's wrong?"

His gaze intensifies. "Go look in a mirror, fool."

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