Ch. 38 ' Power Toss.

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If the chapter you read last didn't end with this, 'I absent-mindedly cross my legs on the seat I'm on. "This is interesting."', that means you haven't read the updated version— the chapter I added to it. Pls go back and read it so you don't get confused later on.

Shout out to Lolo_Ajoke for all the beautiful stars she gave this book💥💥. Tyssm❤❤.


Jason's test paper is missing.

Mr Matthew also gave Jason's class a test. While marking, Jason's test paper never showed up. And somehow, some girls associated with Bella were heard talking about Jason's test paper. Of all times.

Another of Bella's tricks to get me in trouble. She doesn't ever get tired.

The part that rocks my core is that she's willing to get me in trouble even at Jason's expense. She would attack me even though doing that might harm Jason?

I thought she —cringe— loves him?

Not so much. Obviously.

Unluckily for her, fate just happens to be on my side. Unluckily for her, I know what's happening. And I know exactly what to do to flip the tables on her.

Today, 'I'm' the one who's ignoring Mom. I don't understand her believing I did all those things, acting around it, and not coming out to face me about them.

It's how well she believed it. She believed it so much she wouldn't waste her time accusing me.

So I'd rather she not talk to me. I'd rather we not talk to each other. If we're going to be detached, let's go all the way.

Just before I leave the car, Samuel reminds me, asks me if I've told her everything. I smile a nostalgic smile and shake my head, thinking;
I wanted to but she didn't give me a chance.

I would but she has already made up her mind on what to believe.

"I'll tell her . . . she'll find out . . . eventually."

Swinging my bag over my back, I enter the hallway.

God help her. God help her to not be around.

God help Bella to be somewhere other than her locker.

My prayer isn't answered. Thank God! I was being ironic.

First, I put my bag in my locker, then go to Bella with my arms crossed. 

The few girls standing around her are the first ones to see me walking towards them. Then, she also turns to see who her friends are staring at. When her eyes land on me, they bulge mildly. She reaches up to hold her locker handle, thrown-off. On her right cheek is a small bandage. The sight warms my heart.

"Good morning," I greet, much to an unnerved Bella.

My greeting hangs unanswered in the air.

"Good morning," I greet again, a smile grazing my lips.

Seeing Bella like this; unnerved, it's fun.

"G—" she starts saying, then squares her jaw. "What?"

"Hun?" I feign ignorance.

"What do you want?" she says again, her tone sharper and harsher. Unnecessarily.

The small smile I have on grows into laughter. "Nothing. I just came to tell you of something I heard."

I look around, glad to notice most people are minding their business. Asides from the regular peeking and probing gazes. And her friends who won't take their eyes off us for one second.

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