The Letter

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It was the usual rush of people at King's Cross station. There were the businessmen, women with their children, kids that are nothing but trouble, and the families sporting a cart with cages of rats, owls, cats, brooms..

"Are you sure you have everything Maxine? Wand, clothes, tooth brush, school books and manuels -"my mum asked, cutting me out of my trance of watching some students go through the wall to Platform 9 3/4.

"Yes mum, don't worry, I'm 17 now, I think I can remember everything I need to go to school! And for the billionth time, just call me Max!"I said annoyingly, rolling my eyes.

"Hun, Max is a boy name. I don't care how many people call you that, you will always be Maxine to me"she said disapprovingly. 

"Dad calls me Max"I huffed,

"Yes, well, Dad's not here right now is he?"she snapped, and I glared at her. 

"I'm sorry darling"she said, twisting her wedding ring nervously, her green eyes strained with stress and exhaustion, "It's just been stressful lately, for the both of us. With your father gone Merlin's knows where, and the Ministry following our every footsteps, and questioning us for hours"

"I know. And it won't be any better at Hogwarts"I sight.

"Yes it will because you are Maxine Black! You are an extremely witty young women, and I know from past letters from Dumbledore, that if someone insults you, you fight back, though not always in a way I approve"

"Dad would approve though, he would be cheering me on"

"I'm sure he would, without a doubt. You better get across now"

I looked at the time and realize she was right. I only had 5 minutes left to get on the train. 

"I love you mum. Take care"I said, giving her a quick hug and letting her give me a peck on the cheek. 

"I love you too dear. Be safe this year, and don't get into any trouble!"

"When do I ever get into trouble?"I grinned and she raised an eyebrow, annoyed. 

"You're just like your father"she sights, "now go!" I give her one last smile, before turning and going through the wall to Platform 9 3/4. Students were saying last minute goodbyes to their parents, so I had to manoeuver my way around them to be able to get on the train. Once I did, I looked into every compartment until finally, I found my friends. I gratefully got in, and away from prying eyes. 

"Stop snogging you too"I told Andrea and Tony, who as usual, were snogging, almost ripping each other's faces off. 

"Oh, thank Merlin you're here Max! I was starting to feel lonely being the third wheel"my other friend, Poppy, said. I grinned at her. 

"Maybe we should just start snogging and see what they think of it?"I suggested jokingly, making her roll her eyes. 

"How was your summer's?"I asked, as the train started moving. 

"Awful. I had to deal with Dean all summer, basically begging me to bring him to his friend, Seamus', every other week! And mum would force me to go sometimes"Tony grumbled making me laugh. 

"That makes me kinda glad I don't have any siblings"I joked. 

"At least none of you had to deal with my sister's phase of mood swings!"Poppy said, rolling her eyes "I swear, Lavender acts like she's 13 going on 16! Her mood's change by the second!"

"Well, I actually had a good summer! My brothers Henry and Logan took a couple weeks off of work at the ministry, and we went on vacation at Jamaica! It would of been perfect if Penelope wasn't whining the whole time"Andrea said. 

"No fair!"all of us cried at the same time. She grinned sheepishly. 

"I did get all you guys something!"she said, and took out ankle bracelets, all identical, and gave one to each of us. 

"Aww, thanks babe"Tony said, before starting to snog her again. I wrinkled my nose.

"Eww, get a room you too"I said.

"You're just jealous because you never found love Black"Andrea said, before going back to her snogging session.

"How has your summer been Max"Poppy asked kindly, ignoring the couple beside us. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"It was ok. We've had the Ministry after us lots though, because, well.. I'm sure you guys saw it in the Daily Prophet" This made Andrea and Tony stop snogging and they all looked at me. 

"You know, though we won't tell anyone, we believed you when you told us our first year you dad was no killer, and we still do now"Tony said. 

"Yeah, don't worry Max, we'll stand by you throughout all of this!"Andrea added. 

"Thanks guys"I said happily, "Hey Tony, aren't you supposed to go on Prefect Duty?"

"Nah, I don't want to be stuck with Penelope, she's impossible to deal with!"he groaned. 

"Hey, that's my twin you're speaking about!"Andrea snapped. 

"Sorry babe, I didn't mean to offend you"he said, before starting to kiss her again.

"I think I'm going to go look for the trolley. I'm starving" I got up and left the compartment, and turned around where I smashed face to face with a handsome stranger. He was quite tall, and had long red hair, pulled in a low ponytail, freckles covering his face, and a fang earring. I blushed a bit. 

"Oh, sorry! I didn't see you there!"he said before quickly taking a step back. 

"Hey, Max, can I come with you, the others are really starting to disgust me, and -"Poppy said, coming to join me, but stopped when she noticed who was in front of me. 

"I should get going"the handsome stranger said, grinning a bit, making me blush. 

"Oh, sorry for bumping into you!"I muttered.

"No worries! What's your name?"he asked politely. 

"Max. Max Black"I replied. He raised an eyebrow for a split second but didn't comment on my last name. "And you are?"I added. 

"that"he said, grinning even more, "You will know very soon" and with that, he left Poppy and I standing in the middle of the hallway. Forgetting completely about the trolley, we made it back to our compartment. 

"There's a new older student! And he's super hot!"I said, interrupting my friends snogging session. 

"I didn't think we took in older students"Tony said, an eyebrow raised. 

"Well, there was no way in hell that was a first year"Poppy said.

"Hmm, well, that is strange then"Tony said. Just then, I noticed an owl flying right beside our window, and I rushed over to let it in. 

"Who's the letter for?"Andrea asked, as I took the letter off his leg. I read the name and frowned. 

"It's for me"I replied. "Probably my mum telling me last minute reminders" Everyone chuckled and I opened the letter. 

My dearest Max,

Remember when you were little, and we played hide and seek for hours in the backyard? You were horrible at hiding but the best at finding. Now I challenge you to a harder version of hide and seek. This time, you must find me. 

 Catch me if you can, 

And all was left was a paw print, but that paw print made me gasp. 

My dad has written to me. And I was going to find him, but in his animagus form. 

Game on Dad. Game on.

Note from Author: Thanks for reading this first chapter! I was so excited to publish it! Please let me know if you like it as it will help me decide whether I should continue it or not (Because obviously, if no one likes it, then I just won't continue writing it)

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