"I'm going with you guys." She said all giddy.

I pursed my lips into a smile and checked my makeup. I looked through the mirror and saw Karisa and Javi being all lovey-dovey in the back seat. I turned to Ney and he looked like he was holding back his laughter. I gave him the same facial expression and we quietly giggled to ourselves.

When we got to the airport we got our tickets and immediately ran to the terminal that they were about to close.

"It's all your fault Javi." I said between pants.

We looked at each other and burst into laughter as we walked into the plane. The flight attendants flashes us their fake smiles as we took our separate seats.

"We'll see you when we land." I told Karisa.

She smiled and she walked with Mascherano to their seats. I put my stuff in the overhead compartment along with Ney's stuff and I sat down. Once we were all settled in, I began feeling uneasy and nervous.

"I-I can't do this." I told Neymar.

"W-what? What's going on Gianna?" He asked.

"I-I can't Ney. I-I can't fly. I don't like heights. Neymar tell them to let me off." I said, between breaths.

"Hey,Hey calm down baby. You'll be okay. Where are your anxiety pills?"

I pointed upwards, signaling that they were in my suitcase. He got up and quickly popped open the pill container. He handed me the pill and I quickly swallowed.

"Just take a nap baby. You'll be okay." He said, kissing my head.

I nodded and adjusted myself in the seat. He grabbed my hand and held it while I started to doze off to sleep, with help from the pill.

*Back in Barcelona*

I know times probably don't add up but let's just say that Emelyn is 5 months pregnant.

Marc's POV-

Once Gianna left, I needed to hurry up and shower for yet another appointment with Emelyn. I haven't broken up with her, not yet. I am going to but I just don't know when I should. I mean there's obviously never a right time to break up with someone but you know what I mean.

Anyways, when I got out of the shower, I put on my denim button up shirt, the usual jeans and white Nikes. I told Emelyn that I'd meet her at the clinic so when I got out of the house, I drove straight to Starbucks. I picked up a White Chocolate Mocha for myself and a Passion Iced Tea for Em.

When I got to the clinic, I carefully jogged in with the 2 drinks but I found the waiting room empty. I sip my coffee and walk up to the receptionist.

"If you're here for Mrs.Bartra, she's already in with Dr. Sanchez. She's in room 3." The lady said before I could even open my mouth.

"Thank you but she isn't my wife." I smiled and opened the door.

I looked at the number plaques that hung next to each door, counting down from 10 all the way down to number 3. I lightly knocked and open the door. The lights were dim and the machine was already turned on.

"Did I miss anything?" I asked.

"No Mr.Bartra, you're just in time." The doctor answered.

"I got you an iced tea." I told Emelyn, as I put it down.

She smiled and turned back to the screen. The doctor decided to show us the babies heartbeat so that's what she did. I stood there, listening to my new favorite sound in the entire world, my child's heart. I never thought I would actually be so cheesy like that but that little human inside Emelyn's stomach sure is changing me.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن