Seth collapsed onto the couch. "I'm so tired. She spent all day crying."

"Well, she's asleep now," Brooklyn said. "So we should have a few hour of down time before she wakes up."

"Perfect," Seth said as he grabbed Brooklyn by the waist and pulled her down on the couch with him. "Take a  nap with me."

Brooklyn kicked off her shoes and curled into Seth's chest. It had been a while since they had been alone together. Recently their lives had revolved around taking care of their daughter, and working. They no longer had the luxury of sneaking off to be alone, or leaving the house for hours at a time to partake in their usual teenage shenanigans. For the first time in months, they were able to just hold each other, and it reminded them how important it was for them to take care of each other while they took care of their daughter.

The pair slept until they were awoken by Leah coming home.

"Oh shit sorry," Leah said. "I didn't know you guys were asleep."

"It's alright," Brooklyn yawned. 

"Ellie's still asleep though, so please be quiet when you're upstairs," Seth added groggily. "It took me forever to get her to sleep."

"Yeah, I'll try," Leah said.

"Leah, I'm serious," Seth said. "If you wake her up, I'll throw your mattress in the ocean so that you can't sleep either."

"If you do that, I'll tell Mom," Leah retorted. "And then, I'll beat you up."

"If you beat me up, I'll tell Mom," Seth replied.

"Why would she believe you? We heal so fast that there will be no proof," Leah told him.

Seth rolled his eyes. "Just don't wake up the baby."

"I wasn't gonna," Leah said.

"So don't," Seth replied.

"I wasn't going to," Leah exclaimed.

Brooklyn intervened before their arguing got any louder or out of control. "If you two don't stop, you're both gonna wake up the baby."

"Right, sorry," Seth said sheepishly. "Just don't wake her up."

"Seth, I swear to god," Leah said irritably. Instead of continuing their argument, she decided to go upstairs. She could hear Seth laugh as she walked up the stairs.

Brooklyn smacked Seth on the bicep. "Dude, be nice to your sister."

"I am nice to her," Seth replied. "But, as her brother, I reserve the right to annoy her sometimes."

"You're ridiculous," Brooklyn laughed.

"Don't act like you and Paul don't pick fights with each other," Seth said. "That's what siblings are for— they annoy each other, but they always have each other's backs."

"That's true," Brooklyn mused.

"I hope Ellie has that one day," Seth stated.

"Me too," Brooklyn agreed. "But not for like another four or five years... Maybe more. I want to be prepared for the next one. I love Ellie, but one surprise baby is enough for me."

"I want us to be married next time," Seth said. "But I don't want to wait too long. I want Ellie to be close with her siblings, and I feel like everyone I know who has a big age gap with their siblings aren't really close with them."

"We'll figure it out," Brooklyn said, then she placed a kiss on his lips. "I love you, and I know that whatever happens will be okay because you'll be there with me."

They had discussed their future a few times before, but they had never fully decided anything. They both knew that they were going to get married, get a place of their own, and eventually have more kids, but they didn't fully agree on the timing of everything. Brooklyn wanted to focus on getting a degree after high school so that she could get a better job than her current part-time job in retail. She wanted to have a career that would help her support her family, and she wanted to enjoy the work she would be doing. Seth on the other hand, wanted to focus on building their family while Ellie was still young. 

Brooklyn loved that Seth was so family-oriented, and it's not that she wasn't family-oriented herself, it's just that she wanted to make sure that her family never needed anything that they couldn't afford to have. Brooklyn's mom had always had to worry about money, and how much they could afford to spend on what, but Seth's parents could always afford whatever they needed without putting too much thought into what they might be giving up by spending their money. 

Something that they both agreed on, though, was the fact that plans changed, so they weren't really worth fighting over. They would never let their plans get between them because at the end of the day, they loved each other more than words could ever say, and all they wanted was to be together for as long as they lived.

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