Glass and Globes

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//A Jin Request by @Starlightbaby8
✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)//

Jin's Pov.

Not again I thought to myself, entering the kitchen and stepping over broken glass. Namjoon has been on a destructive spree again. Everything he touches breaks instantly. He managed to destroy, not only his watch, but Yoongi's as well. Its not like he means to do it, it just happens. I'm still trying to figure out how he broke Jungkook's jawbreaker, they're basically impossible to break and all he did was touch it. I sighed and carefully started sweeping and threw the shattered glass away. I face palmed when I realized I cleaned up his mess and should've made him do it instead. I go on a hunt to find our leathal leader, before he breaks anything else.

"HYUNG PUT IT DOWN! YOU'RE GOING TO MESS IT UP", I heard Taehyung scream from his room. That didn't take long at all. CRASH! "What is going on?!," I ask bursting into his room at the sound and saw an angry Taehyung and a guilty Namjoon; holding the end of a snowglobe. The glass and water spread across the floor, near Namjoon, I sighed, more glass great. Taehyung growled and started yelling. "WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?! HYUNG HE BROKE MY EOMMA'S GIFT!", he exclaimed. When we were in Italy, Taehyung found a store that sold all kinds of things, and came across a beautiful snowglobe that reminded him of his mom. It was fairly pricey, for one of a kind. It was supposed to be for her birthday, and now its on the floor, broken.

"I- Im sorry Taehyung! I just wanted to look at it-", Namjoon started, but Taehyung didn't want to hear any of it. "WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?! I HATE YOU HYUNG!", He lunged at Namjoon punching him. I wrapped my arms around Taehyung, trying to pull him away from his target, but he had a hold on Namjoon's hair and shirt. "HOSEOK, COME HERE I NEED YOUR HELP", I shouted and he was there instantly helping me pry Tae off. "Taehyung let go", he said pulling at the angry boy's hands.

"I HATE YOU!", Taehyung screamed and swung at a teared up, passive Namjoon as we pulled them apart. "Taehyung stop this behavior right now.", I say dragging him to my room, avoiding the broken glass. Once in my room, I pushed him to sit on the chair, "You need to sit here until you can calm down Taehyung", I scolded. He groaned, standing up, and pushing past me, "No, I don't want to sit here, I want him to know what it's like for us to get our stuff destroyed by him!", he declared, his face red in rage. I grabbed his ear before he tried to run out the door.

"Don't you ever tell me 'No' Taehyung, do you know who I am? I am not a maknae, I am your hyung. And we do not fight in this house.", I say lowly, pulling him to look me in the eyes. He visibly gulped, now seeing how fed up I was. "H-hyung?", he whimpered as I pulled him, by his ear, to the corner of the room. "Since you don't want to sit, you're going to stand here, arms up, until you regain your senses.", I released him and sat in the chair trying to calm my own nerves.

After a few minutes, he started to sniffle and he was struggling to keep his arms up. "I-m sorry hyung..", I looked from my desk to the, now silently crying, boy. "Sorry for what.", I say sternly not really asking. He shuffled from foot to foot in his spot.

"For h-hitting and saying mean things to Namjoon hyung...", he said looking down.


"N-not doing what you told me to... and disrespecting you...", he answered quietly.

"Taehyung, I want you to understand that you should never hit anyone, no matter what the other person has done to you. Namjoon didn't mean to break the gift, nor did he deserve those hurtful words.", he dropped arms trying to wipe his faucet of tears away. I made my way towards him, "It didn't feel good to tell him that either, did it?", I pressed, crossing my arms.

"No s-sir, I don't hate Joon hyung. I love him! I didn't mean it! Im sorry!', he sobbed crashing into me. "I w-was just angry", I rubbed his back whispering sweet things to him. I was finally able to calme him down, "Taehyung, I know how much the gift meant to you, if it makes you feel any better, I'll ask Hoseok to take you and Joon to get a new gift for your eomma. Joon knows a store that sells beautiful items, it may not be a gift from Italy, but Im sure she'll love it anyways.", he nodded his head and looked away, knowing what comes next.

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