Chapter | XIII

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"...Ah, Charles. What took you so long?" The man on the line asked groggily.

"Dad? What happened to you?! Is mom okay?! Who's that man?!?" That was a few from the thousands of questions circulating his mind. "A-are you guys okay? Are you hurt?"

"Calm down with the questions, please. I'll answer them all, I promise." He reassured, suddenly groaning. "Ah, one of my teeth fell."

"I'll be there, please wait for me." do public transits still operate this late at night?

"No no, stay there. It's too dangerous. What if they go back?"

"That's exactly why I want to come, i can't just sit here knowing fully well you two are unsafe!" Charles screamed, will unyielding. "Why do you even owe that much money?!"

"I said calm down. Stop with the nagging, that's my job."

"Stop with the jokes dad, context." Charles said irritatedly. "Just what did you get yourself into?"

Charles earned a sigh from the caller, clearly apologetic for making poor decisions that led to this situation and also for dragging his son in it. "I know, i'm sorry. I didn't know it would turn out like this."

Richard had always been interested in the world of investment and quick money growth. He tried to pursue it and so far, the results had been lively. His money kept growing by the day. Seeing those numbers grow made him want to invest more so when he saw this one company which offers high profits, he grabbed the opportunity and landed some bucks. That's where it started spiraling down.

"The first three turns we're fine, they did as they promised. It's a very good deal, so i tried to take advantage of it. Borrowed some money to invest then once i get the money, i'll pay them back~" Richard explained.

"...but they stole the money and ran away." Charles finished it for him, cussing mentally. "Why didn't you check their background before investing? And why the fuck would you borrow from a loan shark? Even for you dad, that's incredibly stupid."

"I know, I know. Trust me, I hate myself for falling for it. I even used the savings meant for your college expenses. I'm really sorry." He said sighed sadly, admitting his mistake. "Honey, wake up. Hey, it's okay. They're gone."

"How's mom? Is she okay?"

"Yes, just a little shocked." Richard reassured. "Listen son, you don't have to be involved in this. When they came here earlier, i saw they have guns. You have to hide."

"But what about you two? They're probably keeping an eye on you guys. You can't leave that easily."

"It doesn't matter, but you have to go somewhere safe." Richard said in a more commanding tone, his fatherly side slowly coming out. "Don't worry about us, we'll think of something."

"But how about the money? It's a pretty huge sum--"

"That's why i'm asking you to hide away. There's no way we can make that much money within three months." At that point, both of them felt hopeless. Stuck at a deep pit being slowly filled with soil. "They're after me, they won't harm your mother as long as I stay. I'll send her to pick you up then you two can hide together."

"And then? What's gonna happen to you?" Charles questioned nervously, worried about the plan his father is forming. "I can't just leave you to die dad!"

"I won't, i won't! We'll get through this, I swear. But first, i need you and your mom to be safe from them~"

At some point, Charles stopped listening. His head hurts, emotions going haywire. He can't do anything but accept it because it's true. Where are they suppose to get that amount of money in such short period of time? His thoughts might be all over the place, but it all led to a memory from that night he wished to forget.

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