Batuu was not an easy place to navigate through when one had a rescue mission at hand. So asking people questions like "hey, uhhh.. my brother is shapeshifting force void captured by the Guavians cause he decided to turn into a fucking Knight that killed over a 100 people in one night. Oh and uh..where can I find the Lions den?". No no, those questions were not an option.

After moments of exhaustive searching. He had finally reached the Lions den, "Really?..... Is this supposed to be creative?", He looked at the design of hotel. A cave like interior. He was welcomed by a stench and cool breeze. He followed the smell to it's origin. He slowly pushed open a door to the lounge. The room was littered with bodies, covering the marble floor. The bodies were practically the floor. The smell of blood was fresh and ripe. The bodies were dismantled and disintegrated; sliced with precision. Your handy work, no doubt. The room was painted bright red. Kross wasted no time, following the trail, you so well hid. The breadcrumbs were microscopic, but he was a master at tracking your scent. You taught him that, when no one would.

The clearing behind him, became thinner as he entered the dense forest, to make matters worse the snow made it harder to maintain stealth. The barren tress reflecting upon the lives that resided in the planet, no purpose, no destiny, freeyet lifeless.

Halfway through the forest, your trail; now more visible. A sudden sharp and agonizing pain shot into his bones, his kneeled on to the ground, groaning. His mind was now a white noise. The pain; unimaginable. "Aghhhhh", he tried his best to be as quite as possible.

Then he felt it...... the minuscule presence of his brother's force vanishing. The evidence of Kronix's life, gone. He gasped as the clutches of pain, loosened their grip on Kross.
He was on his hands and knees, supressing a sob. He crawled closer, palms deep in the brutal snow. He saw you supporting a man's head on your lap, whilst your fingers intertwined with his. Tears trickling down your soft, pink skin.

Kronix felt his brother's presence in his heart. Kronix smiled at the feeling of his family together, finally. Kronix prayed with all his will, to hold you and Kross in his arms one last time. But he knew, his prayers were going to waste. He spoke to his brother, through their force bond. "It'll be all okay, I know it will".
Kross bit his bottom lip, aggressively as he felt the sorrow building in his heart. Too much to take.

In his fleeting moments, Kronix had all the memories of you and Kross blanketing the fear in him. The path that ahead of you; the one you'd have to continue on, without him. All alone. The woman he always looked up to, who provided his life with happiness. He was leaving you without answers, that became his greatest regret. His eyes slowly losing their function. There was but one memory that filled his soon to be empty soul with joy. Your home, Earth. The sunflowers in the field swaying as the wind instructed it. Sun dancing on your skin, a bronze shine emitting from you. You and Kronix ran like children in the field to cover Kross with your kiss and Kronix's aggressive pats. Kross welcome it with open arms. You jumped into Kross's arms while Kronix pulled his brother with immense force into his chest. Kross twirled around with you on his arm and another around Kronix's neck and there it was a blinding light taking him away from that moment. It's as if his eyes were closed for him. In an utter darkness, a door flew open. A blonde haired man entered in his dust white Jedi attire. "Welcome, young Padawan, I've been waiting for you", he smiled and extended his hand towards Kronix to help him up.
he patted Kronix's shoulder.

"I'm Luke and we have got some work to do".

Kross watched as the luminous light from under his brother's hand traveled to yours. He was aware of the fate that now awaited the soldiers. He wanted to be the one to rip their heads of his bare hands but that wouldn't as painful as what you were about to do. The corner of his eyes caught bodies of men in black armour, moving in. He immediately recognize them, at the way they carried themselves. The knights were here and present and so was their ruthless leader. They meant something to you which meant they too were important to Kross. He closed his eyes, as you slowly stood up. Breathing in and out, Control. Control. Control. His lashes fluttered open as they men were knocking over the force field he had just placed. "Shit", he cursed at himself for not realising that there were not one but six force users with stubborn minds; he needed the save. He darted across the trees, making his way to the men. Kross watched you the whole time. Almost there, he picked up his space.

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