chapter one: the beginning

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I go back through every chapter and edit it every now and then or rewrite little bits here and there, but if you see anything that you believe is a mistake or don't understand either comment or inbox me and I'll explain or try to fix it, this is my first story that I've published on here and honestly any feedback or criticism is welcomed


They stood there in front of my desk, the mean girl and her "minions" they always do this even though we used to be friends, at least in our old school.

Stacie Shapiro: the quieter one out of the three but also the smartest, she doesn't like the way Cassidy treats me but doesn't do anything to stop it, she doesn't like dealing with the mood swings.

Chelsea Anigma: She's new well the newest one out of the group she isn't all there, she doesn't understand the whole colour thing and that she see's them, Stacie always tell's her what it means but she forgets within the hour

Cassidy Morris: The "queen bee" the HBIC (head bitch in charge) she has made my life hell for years and she is also the reason i moved schools.


"I'm so done" I said under my breath

"What did you say, freak?" Cassidy said causing her minions to laugh with her

Ah yes, the word freak, this appears to be her only insult as it's the only name she calls me and can't seem to understand, that it does not bother me anymore.

I rise from my seat my chair scrapping the floor loudly causing everyone in the room to fall silent, staring in my direction "I'm done, done letting you and your egotistical ignorance put me down, you're so pathetic you know that"

They all stepped back Cassidy's smile fading "well a freak would say that wouldn't they"

Stacie steps forward a little but Cassidy stops her "let's go"


Now you're probably wondering why they call me a freak well allow me to explain, three years ago I was sent "to live with my aunt" that's what everyone thinks or at least what they were told. Now of course there's been the rumours about what happened but nobody got any of it right, only my best friend knows what really happened.

I think it'd be best if I mention that everyone can only see in black and white until they meet their soulmate, everyone seems okay with the fact that being able to see colour determines who they're meant to spend the rest of their lives with.

For me I know who that person is I can see in colour I've always been able to for as long as I can remember really, I don't know who my so called soulmate is but I'm not bothered, I believe me and Evan can make it and that's all I need.


The bell rang indicating it was lunch, I gather my stuff up and walk to my locker

"That was brutal" I turn around to see my best friend Kevin smiling at me

"I know" I reply shoving my textbooks in my locker and shutting it before turning back to Kevin "Hey I'm going to meet Evan he wants to talk to me and honestly I'm kind of worried considering everything that's been going on"

"I know Sky I know but it will be okay" he places a hand on my shoulder "I'll walk down with you and wait a bit further back how's that sound?"

I sigh "Okay let's go"

We walk out of the school and head towards the football field where Evan and the rest of the team were practising, I let go off Kevin's hand

"Wait here please" I say while walking closer towards the fields, Evan sees me and jogs over but he looks upset "Are you okay? you don't look it" I ask not sure if I wanted the answer

"Um.. yeah" he looks down at the floor kicking something that isn't there before looking back up at me, a look that gave me this uneasy feeling in my stomach "look I know you'll argue against me with this and trust me I really am sorry but I think with everything that's been going on we should break up"

I froze

I couldn't think, I couldn't hear, I felt like I couldn't breathe

"Sky?" he looked at me "Say something"

"You're wrong" I mutter

"What?" he questions stepping closer

"I'm not going to argue" I say softly "I knew this was coming"

"Sky-" he didn't get to finish what he was saying or maybe he did but I didn't hear I walked away, away from him and past Kevin I walked and walked until I got to my car, I got in turning the key and driving off and turned off my phone

I'll change, they'll see they messed with the wrong person, they'll all see I thought to myself ignoring all the noise coming from outside


Authors note:

Okay this won't be long and you'll probably not even read it because nobody really reads these things anyway but this is my first story so please bare with me I'll try to do at least a chapter a day but there will be times when I won't be able to because of being busy with college and everything else.

Any feedback is appreciated xx

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