Rachel - Part Seven - 'Payback' Erotica Short 21+ NSFW

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Rachel crouched over Dee's face on the bed, Dee's tongue exploring her wet lips. She was grinding against her girlfriends face, as tears ran down her own.

"Nick was mine Dee, I was to own him, not Sir! he stole him from me and I will get him back. It's been two weeks now and nothing. Sir couldn't have got very far with him". Her words were angry and upset as she gave up slumping on the bed next to Dee.

"Rachel, you've never been like this over someone, not even me or your husband! What's going? This isn't you" Dee spoke in a hush toned which held all the concern and kindness you would give to an upset child.

"I don't know, I guess I just like winning" Rachel looked directly in Dee's eyes "I will win Dee, I always do". Dee, showing more courage than she should whispered to herself "You could just text him?".

Pretending not to hear her, Rachel rose from the bed and walked to the wardrobe, removing her silk dressing gown.

Slipping into her lacy black lingerie, she put on the matching gown over top and tied the belt in haste. She slide her delicate feet into her black glossy high heel shoes and marched out of the bedroom.

Rachel passed her husband on the landing who took one look at her and said "He still not given in and called you then?". The sound of amusement in his voice made Rachel's blood boil as she heard him chuckling to himself as he made his way to the bathroom.

Rachel made her way down the stairs, muttering to herself as she went "I'm going to show them all".

Still wearing her silk robe, she stomped her way across the gravel drive to her car in the early morning light. Once inside she fixed her war paint makeup in the rear view mirror, now she felt ready to take back control.

Rachel pulled up outside a flat, she hadn't visited for at least 3 years but she knew the occupant would give her a warm welcome.

He was neither submissive nor dominant and she viewed him as an equal. Knocking on the door, her fingers echoed. The door opened slowly to reveal a male in a tight black T-shirt and Jeans. He had the usual rough good looks and moody nature she always had a soft spot for. "Darren, I need your services".

Showing no reaction, Darren showed Rachel into the darkened front room, he motioned for her to sit down on the sofa. The room smelt of smoke which clung in the air and on the ceiling.

Taking a seat on the sofa next to her, Darren took control of the conversation before Rachel had a chance to speak "Let me guess Rachel, you aren't getting your own way and you need me to bail you out again?".

"You know me well but this time it is different. I like this one". Rachel admitted through gritted teeth.

Darren stifled a laugh "Rachel, come on. You like them all. You're a slut. So what do you want me to do this time?".

Rachel explained the plan she had. Darren smiled as she finished "Very nice, ok I'm in but I want to know what's in it for me?".

"What's in it for you? This is a great experience, I thought you would jump at the chance". Rachel said unamused by the tone he was taking with her.

"You left me high and dry R, you cannot possibly expect me to have forgotten about our last little adventure. You owe me a debt and I want paying".

Rachel knew what he was talking about, she sighed getting to her knees between Darren's legs.

She placed her hands on his dirty denim jeans, keeping her eyes fixed on his as she angrily pulled at his belt buckle. Rachel unbutton his jeans and yanked them down to his thighs. "Easy R, I want rewarding not bruising, again".

Rachel parts 1-10Where stories live. Discover now