Rachel - Part Nine - Missing - Erotica Short

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Sir stood at the end of the table, his hand grazing against his stubble. Everyone was solemnly looking at him, they wanted answers and he had none for them.

"Let's go over this again, one more time". Sir's words were softly spoken. "Two nights ago, Rachel left here. She didn't speak to anyone, after I had removed the restraints. She was only wearing a white robe and Nick saw the Taxi pick her up out front?".

Rachel's husband Ben interjected, "When I got home, her phone was turned off and some of her clothes were gone. The place was a mess, makeup thrown all over the bed, like she had been searching for something, I just cannot work out what".

Dee spoke through tears, "It will be the key".

"What Key?", Ben asked confused.

"She has been looking for a key to her old family home. It's about two hours from here. When her parents died, they left the house to her but she never did anything with it. Last week she was furious that she had lost the key".

Sir spoke with a relieved tone "Right, ok, so she's probably there, if she found the key. Do you know where this place is Dee?".

Ben stood up "Don't worry, I know where it is. I'll go get her. It should be me".

He made the drive down there in silence. Too worried for music or the radio, his mind focused on only finding her safe.

Rachel had run away before in a tantrum but she had never been gone this long. He hadn't bothered ringing the police, thinking she would just waltz into the house like nothing had happened.

When she hadn't returned home last night, he had started to get worried and had arranged for everyone to meet at Sir's house the next morning.

Now only a few minutes away from the house, he desperately hoped she would be there. The house was situated down a country lane, it was remote with no houses nearby.

He had forgotten just how big the house was, he thought to himself as his tires crunched on the gravel drive way. He was relieved to see another car parked on the drive, although he didn't recognise it.

Finding the front door open he went inside shouting "Hello?".

He entered the hall and realised just how long the place must have stood empty. There were cobwebs everywhere and the furniture that remained appeared dilapidated.

After the death of Rachel's parents, she had left the place to rot. He was surprised that this would be the place that she would have run to, after all, she hated it.

Ben shouted again but no response came. Then he heard it, muffled noises coming from behind the closed living room door.

He grabbed the handle and slowly turned it, as the door opened, the view that greeted him made him both hard and angry.

In front of the roaring log fire, on an old threadbare rug, was Rachel, naked and writhing on a strangers cock.

He rolled his eyes in frustration "For fuck sake Rachel, you've had us worried sick" he said walking over to them. They both turned to look at him standing there bewildered.

She placed a finger to her lips and whispered "Shhhhhh, can't you see I'm busy?". Her tone condescending.

She continued rocking herself against the man's cock, the strangers eyes looked at her and then at Ben, "Don't worry about him", she said grabbing his face and turning it back to look at her.

Ben stood there and watched as her tits bounced in the firelight. She began to moan and grind against him, throwing her head back, she let her hair dangle as her cum started squirting out over the strangers groin.

Rachel parts 1-10Where stories live. Discover now