Rachel - Part Four 'The Invitation' - NSFW Erotica Short 21+

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The invitation sat on the hall table. It was a black and white image of a woman on her knees, a cock resting on her lips.

It was a provocative picture which made his imagination run wild. Nick swallowed hard as he let his mind fantasise about what it would be like to see Rachel dressed up like that, on her knees, wanting him. The invitation read....

Erotic Speed Dating ~ An evening with elite guests.
Christmas Day
Invitation only - bring a bi or straight plus one of the opposite gender.

Nick noticed that the invitation was for tonight at 10.30pm. Nick jumped as he felt long nailed fingers slip across his shoulder, bringing him back to reality with a blushed face and tight trousers.

Rachel looked at the invitation card he held in his hand, his brown eyes looked guilty. "I'm glad you found this Nicholas, it's reminded me. We're going out tonight, I do hope you don't already have plans".

"What to this Mistress?" Nick still clutched the invitation in his hand. Rachel placed a hand on his shoulder blade allowing her fingers to trace across it through his shirt. "Yes Nicholas, to this, now go home and get some sleep, we have a busy evening ahead of us".

Rachel motioned to the door with her eyes. She turned abruptly and ascended the stairs. "Oh and Nicholas, one more thing before you go, I think you made the right decision last night and I am so glad you enjoyed it. First times are always special and I'm so glad you were with us. Merry Christmas".

She continued up the stairs in the sultry way that she did, leaving Nick trembling with anticipation of the night ahead and hot memories of the night before.

Nick let himself out of the house and stood on the door step. The cold early morning air of Christmas Day clung in the air.

He decided to walk home, it wasn't far and he took the time to smoke and think as he walked.

With the feel of the pavement beneath his shoes, each step brought with it a feeling of nerves rising from the pit of his stomach. 'What did she have planned this time?'.

Nick couldn't believe the situation he found himself in. She was like a storm, which swept into a mans life and consumed him. She was deadly and he loved it.

Reaching his door, his dogs were there to greet him. He lay down on the bed, attempting to get some sleep. As he closed his eyes, all he could see was her and his trousers began to tighten at the thought.

Nick woke with a startle, his phone buzzed on the pillow next to him. It was dark outside. Barely awake he grabbed his phone to see it was 9.00pm and he had slept all day.

Nick's phone flashed with missed texts and calls from family and friends wishing him well on Christmas but there was only one message he wanted to read...

Rachel- '10.00pm. We are all looking for someone who's demons play well with ours. Pick me up in a taxi at mine, suited and booted. Commando'.

Rushing to his feet Nick realised he had fifty minutes at best to be ready. He didn't want to let her down, they had a good thing going.

He rushed to the bathroom, stripped and showered. He let his mind wander as the warm water washed over his body. He wondered what it would be like to shower with Rachel, what kinky surprises would she have in here for him.

He was hard at the thought, he stroked his hard soapy cock, one hand up against the cold tiles. He wanked thinking of her, her name came out as a grunt as he came all over the shower tiles and his hand.

Rushing to wash off, he hurried out of the shower and went to his wardrobe to find his suit.

Luckily it was pressed and ready for a New Year's Eve party he was attending with his mates and their wives. He took it out of its dust cover and hung it on the front of the wardrobe.

Rachel parts 1-10Where stories live. Discover now