Rachel - Part Ten - Just Desserts - Erotica Short

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One Year Later

"Ben, you have got to come and see this", a voice shouted from the kitchen.

Ben rushed in to see Dee sat at the table, a box of paperwork in front her.

"It's plane tickets to Spain". She said excitedly.

"Plane tickets?". Ben asked confused.

He took them from Dee's hand and looked down at them. Written on the tickets were his and Rachel's name.

A pang of sadness hit him, Dee saw the expression on his face, and stood up and put her arms around him.

"She would have wanted you to still go, you know", Dee said whilst tenderly holding him.

"I know she would, but it would have been our anniversary weekend away. I still miss her so much", Ben said stifling tears.

"We all do Ben, the best thing we can do is honour her memory and make the best of things. She would want us to go and have fun", Dee said hopefully.

"Would she?", Ben asked through his tears holding back a laugh, knowing full well, she wouldn't want anyone having fun without her.

Ben looked down again at the tickets, he had no idea Rachel had even booked this.

Rachel's memorial was a sight to behold. Hundreds of people had turned up, Ben didn't even realise she had known that many people, but then again, perhaps he did after all.

Her Will was quite clear, she wanted to be dressed all in white and in an open casket. Ben was devastated that he couldn't give her that, owing to the fact that the police had never found her body.

Ben still didn't believe Rachel was gone. For the first few months, he couldn't help but think this was just another one of her schemes, but after months of difficult therapy sessions, he had come to realise it was all just wishful thinking and denial.

Nick wasn't much better, 10 months ago he packed up and moved town. He was unable to get over her with everything around him being such a painful reminder of their brief, but beautiful time together.

Dee stroked his back, "Shall we go then?". She asked hoping he would say yes.

Reaching down he kissed Dee tenderly, she had been a god send through all of this. They had supported each other through their grief and she was now living with him. She could never replace Rachel but she did at least help mend Ben's broken heart, even if just a little.

As their lips parted, Ben looked at her and said, "Ok, yes, let's do it". He looked down at the tickets again and said "Dee, these tickets are for in two days time!. We can't be ready and get everything sorted for then".

Dee jumped up and threw her arms around his neck, "Don't worry about a thing, I will pack, get the tickets amended. I've got this". Excitedly she grabbed the tickets from his hand and ran out of the room. This is exactly the kind of distraction Ben needs, she thought to herself.

Ben sat on the sofa, upstairs he could hear Dee on the phone, when she came back downstairs, she was bubbling over with excitement. "It's sorted, it's a whole package. Accommodation, transport, we just have to feed ourselves".

She jumped onto his lap and kissed him softly. She really did remind him of Rachel, it was painful but he felt like a small part of her was still around. He had grown to love Dee in her own right. She was so gentle and caring, it was hard not to fall for her charms.

Ben's hand slid up her back and he pulled her closer. They kissed passionately as his fingers found her bra clasp. Moving his lips to Dee's ear he gently whispered, "Lift your arms up".

Rachel parts 1-10जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें