Chapter 29: Homeworld Savior

Start from the beginning

Steven took a moment before answering.

(Steven) Fine.

He walked outside. Bismuth and Peridot followed him.

(Peridot) Steven, what are you doing?

(Steven) If they're not going, I'll do it myself.

(Peridot) Steven, wait!

She grabbed his arm to stop him.

(Peridot) Don't go alone, you'll die.

(Steven) I'll die fighting a war that they refuse to be in.

(Peridot) Steven, you have to let us come with you. You don't know where Homeworld is.

(Steven) Fine... But I'm doing the rest myself.

10 minutes later

Steven had his armor and everything ready. Bismuth and Peridot are already inside the roaming eye and waiting for him to go. The others don't know about this.

The reason why Steven is doing this is not only so he can put an end to the war, but to prove his worth to the gems since they obviously still view him as nothing more than a human being. This had to be done, personal or not. Greg noticed Steven getting ready and asked him.

(Greg) Hey, son, what are you doing?

(Steven) Leaving. Don't worry, I'll be back.

(Greg) Where you going?

(Steven) Homeworld.

Greg nearly tripped.

(Greg) W-what?!

(Steven) The gems won't listen to me so I'm going without them.

Steven was walking to the roaming eye.

(Greg) (clears throat) Steven. Steven! Stop! Steven! STEVEN!

He got in front of Steven.

(Steven) What are you--

(Greg) I will not, under good conscious, allow you to go! You're outmatched by these--

(Steven) I'm what?

(Greg) You're not some harden warrior. You're a young man with too much anger. You're in over your head and I don't want you to die.

Steven walked past him and was about to step inside the roaming eye but then he stopped.

(Steven) Father who do you think I am? The scarfaced boy you found in the gutter? The boy who was too scared to be left alone? While you are here, I am out somewhere, the only one who actually gets something done!

(Greg) You may be--

(Steven) No, not may be, I am. I am part of the rebellion and fighting a war that they chose to be in. You don't see Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst coming with me, do you?

(Greg) No...

(Steven) Exactly. While they're not willing to fight, I am. And today will not be the day I die.

He was walking to the roaming eye.

(Greg) Steven.

He stopped

(Greg) Stay safe, please.

(Steven) ...I will...

He went inside the roaming eye.

(Steven) What's the estimated time to Homeworld?

(Peridot) In a fast pace, we should get there in about an hour or two.

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now