Taking Gulf

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The very next day it was an early morning and Mew couldn't slip a wink that night thinking about his Gulf. To say that he's nervous is understatement he was a wreaking mess inside.He got up earlier than expected. Take a long ass shower and get ready before breakfast.

"Someone seems nervous" said Hiter while getting himself breakfast.

"Very funny Hiter, very funny" said Mew while sitting at the table.

"After breakfast we'll get to the Guilder Castle okay Hiter?"

"Okay Mew and stop looking so nervous" said Hiter

"Morning all" said Kokliang while power walking to the kitchen

"Sorry Mew he's always like this since he's pregnant and very moody too" said a whispering Hiter


After breakfast they all hop into their own respective cars and drove off to The Guilder Kingdom. Upon arriving at the castle. They were greeted by the King and his family but not Gulf. He was nowhere to be seen.

"Morning Pho, Mae, San, Ice and beautiful Princess Tiprada" said Mew as he waied and the others waied at them.

"If you were wondering where is Gulf well he's at the garden" said King Thanayong while guiding them to the living room.

"He's mad at you uncle" said Princess Tiprada.

"Is he now?" said a chuckle Mew.

They were talking and chit chatting and all the girls was very busy and bursting with ideas while the mans just giving some ideas and continue to talk among each other. The man of the hour casually walks in looking as if they were all invisible, as if no one at the living room. He casually takes the dying flower and change into a new one. Walking from one end to the other deliberately making everyone annoyed with his attitude. He knows how to get on his family nerves by doing so.

"Son can you stop walking here and there just to get us annoyed" said King Thanayong.

"Do I annoyed you by doing so, oh I didn't know that, well let me get my dying flowers which been left without care for a week" said Gulf while walking around without looking at the living room.

"He's so cute!" said Kokliang to them all.

Gulf overheard them talking and he felt jelly inside every time he heard Mew's voice. He wanted to end his action but his ego wouldn't let him do that. He feels nostalgic listen to his future husband voice it's like he knows that voice but he can't recall. Gulf felt like he need a breather so he walks to their backyard and enjoy his tea alone while calming his heart and anger. As few minutes passed by Mew decided to introduce himself to Gulf unaware of the situation he just close his eyes and take a deep breath in enjoy a solitude state.

"May I join you?" said Mew using his deep voice.

"Yes" said Gulf trying to control his goosebumps.

"Nice weather today isn't it?" said Mew

"It is" respond Gulf

"How are you?"

"I'm good"

"You have a beautiful garden"

"Thank you"

"You look beautiful"


"Can you at least look at me?"

Gulf was so shy and he really couldn't turn his head so he just shakes his head.

"Okay then let me seat in front of you" said Mew while standing up and take a seat in front of Gulf. Then Gulf look at Mew with wide eyes and shocking face.

"I'm so sorry my emperor Mew I didn't know it was you. I'm sorry for being rude" said a shock Gulf.

"It's okay Nong Gulf I'm sorry for being late" said Mew while holding Gulf's hand.

"Wait! You're my husband?" said a confuse Gulf.

"Yes I am your husband" answer Mew while smiling. Gulf abruptly stand up.

"Give me 10 minutes someone need to get scold" said Gulf and straight run into the living room.

"Phi San!!" shouted Gulf.

"You lied! You tree man! You said it was an old man! You didn't said it was Phi Mew!" said Gulf while chasing after Prince San around the living room looking like a couple of kids.

"I was teasing you nong, calm down" said Prince San while still running away from Gulf.

"Daddy you shouldn't lie, it's bad daddy" scold Princess Tiprada at her father after Gulf stop chasing him around.

As Gulf return to Mew side he was beet red trying to calm his breath down. Mew look at Gulf like a hungry predator looking at his prey but luckily Gulf didn't notice. He quickly sit down in front of Mew and smile.

"Something need to be done with that old tree" said Gulf.

"Don't worry about that, is he always like this to you?" asked Mew.

"Yes he is, talking about an annoying brother he really is the complete package of annoying" said Gulf deliberately loud so Prince San could hear him.

"Nong Gulf isn't as innocent as you think he is Mew so be careful", scream Prince San from the living room.

"See what did I just told you" laughing Gulf and at that moment Mew look at Gulf smiling like a kid looking at his favourite lollipop.


They spend almost half a day at the Guilder castle, they all look like a big happy family, talking and have fun knowing each other likes, dislikes and etc.

It's about time they make a move to Cheveevat Palace. Gulf's mother can't stop her tears flowing watching as her youngest son move away from their castle and into his husband palace. They bid goodbyes and hugs all around before they drive off. Mew and Gulf in one car while Hiter and Kokliang in another.

The whole ride, Mew and Gulf talked from their childhood to their current state. Gulf was so broken hearted when he heard about Mew's story, his side of the story he feel his loneliness and sadness but he feel proud of Mew for fighting and moving forward and he became a great leader up to this stage.

When they reach the palace, Kokliang quickly ask his emperor to give Gulf the palace tour so he can have some bonding time with Gulf. Mew just nodded and told Kokliang to bring him to his chamber after the tour and off Kokliang and Gulf go. The palace was humongous and quickly Gulf know he'll get lost in the palace. Tour room by room, wing by wings, section by section all seems to be endless and thus the tour will take place some other time as Kokliang is getting tired himself let along Gulf.

Gulf walked straight to Mew's chamber and plop himself into the bed feeling exhausted from all the walking and talking. Suddenly, Mew was out from his shower while walking casually at Gulf who's face flat on the bed.

"You okay Nong?", said a concern Mew.

"I'm good just tired from the tour and all" said Gulf while still laying down not even moving an inch.

"Okay, go shower and then let's go to sleep" said Mew.

"Okay my emperor" murmur Gulf while walking lazily to the bathroom.

Few minutes later Gulf was out from the bathroom all clean and using his pajamas looking at Mew who's reading a documents. Gulf climb into the bed and stay as far as he could from Mew's body. Mew was silently chuckle looking at Gulf's action. But soon enough Mew could hear a small like a cat purr sound coming from Gulf who's tired so he decided to follow Gulf to dream land and go to sleep.

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