"Ok now,let's get you dressed up,what happened to your make-up? Were you crying?" Mum asks

"Uh...uhm no mum,why would I cry,water splashed on my face mistakenly while I was using the water fountain...sorry mum"(Angel smiles suspiciously).

(Angel's mum smiles) "Ok dear,well let's get you ready fast."
Minutes later........

"Ok dear, we're here. Let's go!"

"Yes mum, I'm ready."
(They both get out of the car) "Jake,are you not coming?" Angel asks

"Uhm,na! You can go, anyways you're the model, I'm not a model."

"Well you could be a model,if you were good looking. Hahaha!!"

"Very funny, just go already!"

"Wish me luck"(Angel smiles).

"Good luck lil sis!" (Angel stares at him in a weird way)

"Oh,sorry sis!"


"Let's go dear, we're already late!"

"Ok mum,let's go!......."

"You're late Angel!" Her Dad says.

"Dad? Dad!!!"(She runs and hugs her dad).

"Hello sweetie,what happened?"

"Sorry dad,it was my fault. I promise it won't happen again!"

"Ok,let's start. Meet your partner Eric,he just moved here with his parents and I heard he was a big thing where he came from and his dad asked if he could shoot with you. So,here he is!"

"Eric??!" Angel exclaims

"Hey Angel." Eric says
So let's take a break from the story. Let's talk about that moment. It was just, awesome! Like,Eric looked more dreamy than ever. It was as if his eyes were sparkling just like the blue ocean in the sun. His lips was so tempting and looked so soft. He looked so hot in his blue tuxedo with his cool fashionable glasses! I was so speechless until....

"Uhm Angel? Angel!!"

"Uhm,oh yeah let's start the shoot!"

"B...but I..." Eric tries to say

(Angel cuts in) "It's shooting time!!"

"Ok?!" (Eric looks confused)

"Ok everyone ready?"......
    Hours later...........
Ok,so let's skip all the boring parts! Well the shoot was ok but the models were not. I was doing my best not to look into his eyes while getting close to him. Like how's that even possible,well I'm Angel so anything's possible for me.... maybe!! He tried to get my attention but I tried not to notice him, despite his good looks. Ahh,it was terrible! I know I'm a drama queen,so he has to deal with that. But that's just how I am, and I don't care so whatever. So back to the story.....
(A bell rings)

"Alright, shoot's over! That was awesome. Love the way both of you looked fierce...love it." The photographer says

"Of course, she's my daughter!! Come here sweetie, let's go out somewhere and celebrate your new shoot,woo!!"

"Uhm,dad can we just go home? I'm feeling a little bit dizzy."

"Oh,are you ok?"

"Yes dad,I just need to rest a bit."

"Ok sweetie."

(Eric comes) "Uhm, Angel? Can we talk?"

"Uh,not now! Sorry bye."


(Angel sighs) "Ok."

"What did I do wrong? Why have you been acting so weird to me lately?"

"Uhm... nothing!" 

"Then why have you been acting weird?"


(Eric cuts in) "Look Angel, I'm still new to your school and you and your friends are the only friends I have and I don't want to lose you guys. So please forgive me if I offended you in anyway."

(Tears start rolling down from Angel's face. She sniffs) "I'm sorry,I have to go now!"
(Angel runs away)

"B.. but I need to tell you something!" (Eric mumbles)

    So... another chapter completed. Sorry for changing the topic suddenly but I think this will be more interesting for y'all,or what do you think?
   Well looks like Angel and Eric may not be a thing after all or will they? We'll still find out😉
     Lastly,I just want to thank all my readers. I love you so much,it means so much to me that you are able to take your time to read my book,you guys are my strength and I will forever cherish that! And to all my voters, thank you too. It really means a lot,your votes inspire me to write more. I love you guys so much, please don't stop reading and voting.
  Y'all can also tell me what you think of this chapter,and also tell me what you think I can add or remove to make this story more interesting and fun. Love you guys, always ❤️....please stay home and stay safe❤️🙏.

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