Just as Lou was about to turn around and probably settle down again, the door creaked open and Daddy walked in. He headed straight towards the beanbag chair, which was placed right behind Aaron, and sat there. Lou excused himself out. Almost like they'd exchanged shifts.

Aaron sighed, unappreciative of Daddy's presence, but then an idea landed. He actually needed Daddy, needed to fix his relation with him, make him believe that he willingly wanted to behave correctly.

Make him believe that he was slowly getting brainwashed.

Aaron thought for a second, breathing in, eyelids closed as he prepared himself. He really didn't want to, but acting was all he had to hang onto: the feeble string keeping him attached to any chances of escape.

A peaceful second passed by, then Aaron let himself relax more against the floor, shoulders sagging. He yawned. Slowly, he leant to the side, as if losing the battle against exhaustion, until his head hit Daddy's knee.

This caught the captor's attention, and he watched with a smile as Aaron adjusted his head on his knee, leaning his weight entirely against his leg. Daddy absently reached his hand to his baby's hair and twirled it between his fingers. He hadn't expected his baby to do that, but he loved it. He loved it so much.

As much as Aaron was trying to appear comfortable, he just couldn't; Daddy's knee was way too strong and hard to serve for a pillow, and it was paining the side of his head like he was leaning against a rough rock. But he maintained his position, reminding himself of how important it was to put up an act, until he felt Daddy's fingers grip his underarms, raising him from the floor onto his lap.

Great, Aaron thought. Just great. He realized he'd been very content just leaning against Daddy's knee now that he was much closer.

"You're such a sleepyhead, baby. Like your Uncle. He likes to sleep a lot too," Daddy said, leaning down to kiss his cheek, the stubble around his jaw and chin scratching Aaron's skin like tiny, prickly thorns. "Baby, don't you need to have a wee? Don't hold it in. It's bad."

Not this again. But Aaron knew this was his chance to show he was succumbing to Daddy's authority, and he didn't want to miss it. "Alright."

"You have to—wait, what?"

"You said I'm not allowed to hold it in." Aaron looked at Daddy through his thick lashes, perfectly balancing a look of innocent submissiveness on his face. "I won't. I'll tell you when I need to, Daddy."

Daddy looked a little flustered, slightly unsure, but he smiled contently nevertheless. "Oh. Great, baby. That's great. You're a really good boy."

Aaron offered a fraction of a sleepy smile, then leant towards Daddy, closing up the space between them as he rested his front against his chest, chin hooked over his broad shoulder. Daddy tensed a little at the action, but it wasn't long before he relaxed again and pulled Aaron closer to his chest, strong arms curling around him like restraints.

Daddy couldn't think clearly anymore; not when his baby was being so adorable. It was like a foggy layer thickened around his brain, plaguing out any thoughts other than those cooing around the fact that Aaron was the cutest little baby ever, especially when he was all sleepy and laggy. 

Aaron turned his head towards Daddy's cheek, trying to catch his side-profile, and he smiled when he noticed that he looked pleased. Content with the behavior. This shouldn't be too hard if he could fool them easily like that.

Daddy kept holding Aaron for a while, then carefully stood up while making sure he didn't disturb him the slightest bit. "I think you need a nap today too, baby," he whispered into Aaron's ear. Then, he turned towards Leo. "Come, Leo. Let's go for a nap."

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