The artist?

"Um, Leo. I have a feeling you didn't draw this?" Aaron was slightly unsure of himself as he turned the paper for Leo to see.

Leo recognized the drawing merely from one look. He perked up, smiling as he pointed at Lou, who was sitting on the beanbag behind, leaning his head back lazily. "Uncle Lou drew that! Those are my eyes!"

Lou peeked at the boys when he heard his name, and he smiled slightly before leaning back again.

So even a psycho was talented. That totally didn't make Aaron feel like a talentless piece of shit.

Just as Aaron gathered the papers to put them back in the box, another one caught his attention. He swallowed as he recognized the face drawn: the entire portrait was nothing but skillful traces of a pencil, yet magnificently detailed, and even with the lack of colors, Aaron was sure it was his own face he was staring at.

Leo noticed what Aaron was looking at. He smiled. "That's you, Aar. There's also one of me. Uncle Lou really knows how to draw!"

Creepy, Aaron thought. He didn't know why, but finding his face on a paper out of nowhere shook him, so he quickly shoved it back in the box along with the others, kinda regretting the entire decision to take a look.

Leo was still sprawled on his stomach, cheek resting against his fist as he waited for Aaron to bring another book, or at least do something exciting.

"Sit up, Leo," Aaron said. "It's not good to sleep on your stomach for too long."

Leo grimaced. "No. Don't want to."

"Leo, I'm serious." Aaron gestured him up again. "It's bad for your spine."

Leo hummed, his head tilted. Confusion again.

"You don't know it hurts your spine?" Aaron asked. When Leo only shook his head, he frowned. How could he not know? "Okay, now you know. Turn or your back will start to hurt really badly."

"Yours hurts, Aar?"

"Yeah, it does. And I'm telling you it's not nice at all. Save yourself."

"Then let mine hurt too," Leo casually decided, shrugging as he focused again on picking at a loose thread off the fluffy rug beneath him. He looked at Aaron and smiled. "So you're not alone, Aar. Mommy said brothers care about each other, and I care about you."

"That's nice of you." Aaron laughed a little at Leo's compassion. "Just don't take it hardcore. Now sit up, seriously."

Lou peeked at his boys, lips held up in an amused grin. "Um, Aaron, baby, if I was you, I'd really stop trying to teach him science. He won't understand. And Leo, listen to your big brother."

Of course he won't understand, Aaron thought. Because you damaged his mentality.

Leo huffed then turned to lie on his back, arms folded across his chest as he stared at the ceiling with furious disapproval. Aaron raised an eyebrow, but he smiled again when Leo couldn't maintain the angry attitude, breaking into a small mischievous giggle as he turned and smiled back at him.

"I see that smile, Leo, you little devil," Lou said, eyes narrowed as he approached with slow steps, one hand positioned for death-tickling. "You think you can throw a tantrum at me because I don't punish? I can punish, actually, but in my way."

"No, you can't, Uncle Lou. You're too nice!"

"Aha? Let's see." And then Lou fell to his knees just by Leo's side, tickling him with both hands. A surprised yelp shot through the room, followed by loud, childish giggles and breathy pleas to stop in between. Lou didn't torture Leo too long, stepping past him when he was very much close to tearing his cheeks apart with the uncontrolled laughter. He gave Aaron a smile. "You're a great big brother, Aaron."

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