Chapter 8

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Warning: Story will be getting much more spicy in the next few chapters.........

 Turn back now, while you still can!

(Y/N's POV) 

The bell rang, signalling lunch time. I looked up, Bakugou was already glaring at me. 

Suddenly, Izuku stood up and grabbed my hand. 

"Come have lunch with me (Y/N)-Chan!" He says determined, looking at me.

"Su-Sure," I quickly answer before he pulled me up. He was so small but pulled me like I weighed nothing.  Before I knew it, we were leaving. I stared at Bakugou for a moment. He pushed out of his seat and started screaming. 

"WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YUR' GOING DEKUUU!!!!" Izuku kept pulling me down the hall.

I don't get why I keep getting basically dragged everywhere. I'm sure Bakugou is chasing us. 

By the time we stopped  we're at the school rooftop. He seemed a little out of breath, but I was fine, the only good thing about my hellish training was my high endurance. It didn't seem like Bakugou had been chasing us for a few minutes so we sat down for a second.

I pull my scarf back up a little. He looks at the scarf before he opened up his bag to reveal a home lunch.  I look at his lunch and feel my stomach twists in knots.  It was filled to the brim with food.  Before I could stop myself,  my stomach let out a giant growl. 

Izuku looked at me before raising a second spoon towards me.  I slowly reach out my hand. But then, I hear stomping. I could hear someone stomping up the stairwell a few stories down. I heighten my hearing a little and hear them getting closer.

 I lower my hand and grab Izuku. He quickly wraps up his lunch as  I pull him into a corner, out of sight. I didn't want Bakugou to bother him anymore.   I hear more steps as he reaches one story below.

"(Y-Y/N)- Chan?" Izuku whispers.

"Please, stay here. Trust Me," I answer before walking to the stairwell. I put on a clueless face and go to reach for the door. Just as Bakugou opens it. 

"WHERE THE HELL IS HE?!?!?!" he screams. 

"Who?" I ask, covering my face a little. I hated yelling. 

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHO!" he hollers .

I flinch and reply with, " Oh, I haven't seen him. We split off 6 halls ago." 

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!!??!?!" he screams while giving me a terrifying glare. I felt so tiny. I think he noticed my posture because his face changed a little.  And his voice became softer. "Jeez, we we're suppose to talk and you took off. What kind of wild goose chase did you want to put me on." he starts grumbling.  He grabbed my arm and leads me all the way downstairs. 

"Where are we going?" I ask. 

"Somewhere private." he answered. 

He leads me out the front doors and takes me into the trees around the courtyard.  Soon, I couldn't see the school through the trees. No one could see us or hear us from here.  Everything he did seemed perfectly planned. 

Soon he let go of my hand and turned to me.  This time his glared wasn't pointed at me, but my neck.  He walked towards me and I pushed back. To soon, I'm right against a tree and he's moving in too close for comfort. 

But when I look at his face again, it looks kinder. I get so entranced by this new look that I didn't notice his arm until it was to late. 

Before I knew it, my scarf fell loose and his expression changed.


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