Chapter 17

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Bakugo's POV

Its been a week and they still haven't showed up to school since their parents picked them up that Friday. I was a dumbass, I shouldn't of pushed them away like that. What kind of dumbass says that after a night like that... Me.

I can't get the image of them looking back at me out of my head. No matter how many times I replayed it in my head, no matter how many different scenarios, one thing remained the same. No matter how much I want to deny it, I stood no chance against those damn pro heroes....

I didn't realize I was making a fist until I looked down to see my pen crushed between my fingers, ink trailing down my hand. I drop the pen looking at my now stained hand.

Great, just another fucking problem.

I head to the front to ask Aizawa if I can go to the bathroom to clean it off. He boringly ushers me off without a care before shifting in that stupid sleeping bag of his.

I head to the classroom door, opening it with my clean hand and I'm met by a familiar face. Its Y/N...

Their eyes go wide for a moment before they push past me. I'm left in the doorway, trying to put my thoughts in order. I remember the ink on my hand and head out into the hallway, wanting to turn back the whole time.


Everything was sore...
Breathing hurt, moving hurt, everything hurt. I hadn't been outside the basement for a week. Mother and Father told the school that I was on leave because they were "worried" I had been kidnapped or harmed so they wanted to keep a closer eye on me for a while. My school sent my school work to the house, so for not even an hour a day I was given a small break to do the work.

I could barely write and my body was on the edge of breaking down. I was dealing with only 3 hours of sleep every night only to be woken up once again to continued training.

It felt like there was most likely bruises along my ribs from the amount of times Mother had kicked me to the ground, stating that I wasn't doing good enough and that I needed to be faster. This would go on for hours, I could barely land a punch on her.

All week I've been waiting for the moment that they would finally let me go back to school, it would be better than being here. After another grueling combat training with father, he stated how I was finally going back to school tomorrow. Those words brought me the only joy I've had in days.

When I woke up this morning, I was just as drained as I have been all week. But the mere thought that I was finally leaving the house pushed me to get out of bed. I put on my freshly cleaned school uniform and headed downstairs.

I haven't eaten meals with either of them since the events of last week, they would bring me something minimal like a salad or cereal bar to get me by every few hours. So instead of expecting breakfast I just headed for the door only to be blocked by them.

" We are driving you to school to make sure you actually make it there. And we're picking you up right after as well. Don't think just because you're going to school that you're going to have it easy" Mother stated. "Oh and about that boy, if I even see you near him, I'll make sure you know what's going to happen. I'm sure that school would do fine without one extra student." She leaned in and with a sick smile said, "And I'm not talkin about you."

I silently nodded my head before we headed out and they escorted me to the car. The sunlight stung my eyes as I left the house for the first time in days.

The car ride was silent as I looked out the window. Mother's words were echoing through my head over and over. I never should've thought things could be different, and in my illusions I pulled in my...friend.... classmate?.... I didn't even know what we were. And now he's involved...

I should have just avoided everyone. I should have stuck to the original plan. But instead I thought that I had a chance to make friends, living this whole different life. But it was all a fantasy.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize we were pulling up to the school until the car came to a halt. I got outside the car without a word and headed in, it seemed like I was a little late as the courtyard was bare. After a buzz signified that the gate to the school was unlocked, I headed in. I refused to look back and just headed towards the school.

I made my way upstairs to the classroom, making sure my school uniform was neat. Instead of wearing the normal skirt with the school uniform I was wearing the school mandatory pants instead to cover the bruises from combat training. It would be better if no one else saw anything. No one else should get involved with my problems.

I finally made it to 1-A and right as I was about to open the door, it slammed open. A familiar face appears in the doorway and I feel a sharp pain in my chest, a mixture of anxiety and fear. It was Bakugo..

I halted for a second before I come back to my senses and I quickly pushed past him. My mother's words echoing through my head as I head towards my seat. I don't want him to try to get involved anymore.

If he got hurt I don't know what I would do, hell if anyone got hurt because of me I don't know what I would do. It would be better to try to avoid any contact with anyone outside of assignments.

Just than, I see a blur of green hair rush up to me and block my way. I was so stuck in my own world that I completely forgot about Izuku. A new wave of guilt washed over me. I left so suddenly without any explanation last week, in the middle of the day, only to go missing for a week from school. He looked worried sick.

"Y/N! Where have you been? What happened? I've been so worried," his word started to bunch together as he talked quickly, only stopping to take a quick breathe. " I thought something happened to you, I'm so glad you're okay!"

I freeze up as he suddenly embraces me only to let me go just as quickly. Most likely feeling me tense up.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry I should of asked before I did that," he frantically apologized as he starts nervously playing with his hair.

I give him a small nod, acknowledging that it was okay and quickly came up with a simple excuse that we had a family emergency before I excused myself to go sit down.

As I sat down, I felt my muscles relax, I was filled with so much relief. The idea that I would be able to sit down for a few hours was good enough for me.

The students were talking amongst themselves as once again our teacher was laying down in the front of the class. I envied his power to sleep wherever. With no objective, I was left to my thoughts.

I pull out one of my notebooks and start to doodle on a random page. Soon the page was filled with random sketches of various heroes, including the Rabbit Hero Mirko, Fatgum and All Might.

I heard the classroom door shift open once again but I keep my eyes trained on my desk. I then heard footsteps as they get closer to my desk, no matter how much I tried to ignore it I was fully aware that Bakugo was heading right towards me.

I tried so hard to keep my eye on the desk, but I couldn't help but look up at him. He was silent but his face spoke a million words. He looked frustrated, sad but also another emotion that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

We stood in awkward silence for a moment before he finally broke it.

"Listen, we need to talk."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2022 ⏰

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