Chapter 3

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I walk into the house, no sound.That meant I had the whole house to myself. I sigh a breath of relief. I climb up the stairs and open the door to my bedroom. The lavender walls were too bright as they reflected all the light from my window.
I close the curtain and then open my newest journal. In it I list all that I've learned from my new classmates. Everything from looks,. to quirk, to attitude.

I stop when I reach Bakugou on the list. I couldn't understand him. Especially with this afternoon. One second he's  screaming at someone random and the next he is grumbling something not understandable.

My thoughts are quickly cut off by the slamming of my front door.

Mom is home.

I shove my journal into my desk and quickly throw myself into my bed. I snatch the first hero history book I saw and acted as if I had been reading it. I can hear her footsteps as she eases towards my room.
I can hear the door creak open. As it does, I lower the book to see my mother, looking at me with a show of distaste.

"Why aren't you downstairs practicing?" she asks as I place the book back down on my desk.

"I already did practice, I have to study for exams now," I state as I stand up and try to leave the room. My mother blocks my path. Giving my a hard glare she doesn't move out of the way.

"When your father comes home , you're telling us your score." and with that, she turns and leaves.

I head to the bathroom and splash some water of my face. I raise my head and look in the mirror. I notice the shiny trophy behind my on the shelf. I resent it.

My whole life was planned from the beginning. Two people pairing up because of their quirks was common in this part of Japan. My parents were one of those couples. But it didn't just end there. They were even paired as hero. My father could make anything out of thin air and teleport while my mother could turn into whatever animal she pleases. One of the best teams of our time. And the funny thing was that they hated each other, but not as much as they hated me.

My only purpose for being born was to be raised as their superweapon. But I was a lost cause. No matter what training program they put my in, I didn't pass any of the minimum requirements to join the junior hero classes. Instead of training I would fill my head with new facts. Even though the two people I hated the most were heros, I still had a weird interests in heros and their powers, each so different from the last.

Whenever they caught me just writing in the journal, the became infuriated. My mother would claw it to shreds then my father would destroy the remains with a flame. Every. Single. Time.
They would force me to train in our arena in the basement. I would train for hours without break. Whenever I would ask to rest my mother would scream at me to try harder. This would often lead to me collapsing alot as a child.

But after going through this every day I started growing stronger. This just lead them to push me even farther. There was no breaks, not for food, not for water, no I was done when they had to go out on a mission.

I couldn't stand these people. I wanted to get as far from them as I could. All I needed to do was wait a few more months. I promised myself that is would leave on my 17th birthday.

I lay down on my bed as I imagine the endless possibilities that could happen. Maybe I'll move to America, or become a famous artist. I feel the smallest grin reach my face as the thoughts go through my head.


The smile fades as I can hear my father stomp through the front door. I lift myself from the bed and walk downstairs. My father is hanging up his coat and then turns to me.

"Hello (y/n)," he says in a monotone voice.

"Hello, father," I reply in a polite tone, trying my best not to anger him.

My mother then walks into the room, ushering us into kitchen. My mother always had us on vegan diets because of her animal abilities. Tonight was a slimy alfredo and brocolli fettuccine. We all sat and started eating in silence.

About halfway though the meal, Mother clears her throat. Father looks up and she then turns to me.

" How was your first day at U.A.?" she asks more like a command.

"It was very nice. I met a few new people and we all took a sort of test," I reply, keeping a light tone. "I made a friend, their name is Izu-."

"What was your score?" Father asks as he immediately cuts me off.

"14 out of 21," I say quietly. I knew they were going to ask. But I didn't think they would so soon.

I look and see Mother curling her fingers and then Father stands up. Father is a very tall, thin man, like something out of a horror movie. Even so, he was very strong. He is also wearing a suit giving him a slenderman feel. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and lifts me out of my chair.

"You're done eating," he snarls, then he drags me to the basement. He throws me to the floor. I scrape my knee but make sure not to yell, that will just anger him more. "You are to practice till 2:00 a.m. then do a cooldown till 2:30. You repeat this till you raise that score. No failure is allowed." And with that he turns and returns to the table. Mother has probably already thrown out the rest of my food.
I scramble up and start to jog around the track. I morph into a cat and start skipping through the track on the tips of my paws. I feel the wind because of my speed. The wind calming my emotions as I stop my heart from almost exploding. Atleast it was just a small knee scrape this time.

Bakugou x F Reader LemonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum