Chapter 7

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(Y/N)'s POV

Jeez, my everything hurts. No matter how many times I do the course, I still feel like crap afterwards.  I put on a (F/C) tank top and some black shorts. I crawl into bed and curl into the blankets. So... soft.

I feel like I'm floating.  I open my eyes and I see the bright blue sky. I'm not in my room anymore......

I look to see that I'm floating above a bright meadow of (F/c) flowers. I feel like I could fly around forever. I spin through the air but then I hear voices. I halt and turns toward them. I see shadows, Not too tall, and felt... friendly. I float towards them, viewing two people. I only see a blurs of green and blonde hair before I'm yanked to the ground.

I'm left breathless as chains wrap around me, pinning me to the ground. The sky turns gray and the shadows have morphed. Now tall, and menacing. They finally take shape as my parents.  Their faces are twisted like from a horror movie.

"Pathetic child."  They chant. Their neck now twisting around, stretching towards my face.

"Please!!! I'll listen! I'll listen!" I scream. I shut my eyes,  but when I open them,  I'm back in bed.

I'm home.

It was just a dream.

Jeez, I'm covered in sweat. Always one of those creepy nightmares. I look over to see that its 4:00 a.m. Hopefully I can get alittle bit more sleep before school.

Finally fell back asleep at 5:15


I slam down my hand onto the snooze button. It sit up to be met with the familiar pain in my arms.  God, it feels like I can barely stretch them. I get into my school uniform and head downstairs.

I'm greeted with the smell of cinnamon. I enter the kitchen to find three bowls of oatmeal. I place my bag at the leg of my chair and sit down. I quietly start eating.
Out the corner of my eye, I see Mother come into view.

"Are you even going to thank me?" She asks.

"Yes, thank you Mother for the food." It turn to her, and I regret that I did. I felt a quick heat across my right cheek and my head swings left. Her hand left a bright, hit sting there.

"I shouldn't need to remind you. I have to work and cook for a pitiful piece of garbage like you." I hear her stilettos click as she walks away. I look to see that she didn't even touch her food. I finished quickly and wash my dishes.

I look into the hall mirror to see that a dark red mark has spread across my right cheek. I grab a red scarf, wrapping it around my head. It was autumn so if anyone asked, I was just chilly. I grabbed my bag and right as I am leaving the house, Father comes downstairs. I lower my head and walk towards the door. I leave swiftly before something angers him.

When I finally make it to school, I see bright green hair at the gate. Izuku jogs to me, hugging my tightly. He suddenly jumps off, apologizing, causing me to give a slight giggle.

"I knew you weren't feeling well, so I copied an extra pair of notes for you." He claims as he hands you a small packet. I go through it to see extreme detail written in Izuku's neat handwriting.

"Wow, thanks so much Izuku." I thank him.

"W-Well we better get to class now," he states and turns back to the school. We head in, soon making it to class. I can hear the anarchy from out here.

"I SAID SHUT IT!! SHITBRAINS!" I hear a familiar voice shout. I halt, remembering everything from yesterday.  Thank God I was wearing a scarf because I felt heat rise to my face. I didn't realize the Izuku noticed my halt.

"Hey, (Y/N)? Are you okay?" He asks. He looked so concerned. 

"Oh, I'm fine," I reply, trying to gain back my senses. We enter class and take our seats.......behind Bakugo.

I pull up the scarf and look to the ground. 

Thump Thump Thump

A pair of shoes come into view, I already knew who's they were. I slowly look up to see Bakugou staring at me.  We stare at each other for what seemed like forever before he said something. 

"We need to talk," He says, "Now." Before I could respond, he grabbed my arm, lifting me from my chair. We head towards the door. I turn to see Izuku just looking at me with worry. I give him a small wave to show I was fine. Right as we got to the door, Aizawa popped up in the door frame.

"Where do you two think you're going?" He states as he raises an eyebrow.  Whatever it is can wait till after class." Bakugou goes to retort only for Aizawa cutting him off, "Unless this conversation in about you leaving the hero course." 

Bakugou closes his mouth and guides us back to our seats. He leans into my ear and whispers....

"Just wait until after class."

Bakugou x F Reader LemonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя