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Edward's POV:

Just like every night back in our house I stayed in bed all night snuggled to y/n so she won't wake up and see me awake.

I always have to fake eat around her, but most of the time I just lie to her and say that I ate without her.

I'm sure she thinks that it's weird that she has never really seen me eat before, but she's just to polite to say question me about it.

Y/n's POV:

I wake up to tiny little strips of sun barely poking through the thick green trees surrounding the house.

I look over to expect Edward to be sitting next to me, but he was already gone.

That's weird he's usually always next to me when I wake up.

I quickly change and brush my teeth and try to make my way through the hallways to the kitchen. I can smell the sent of some heavenly food coming from there.

When I make it to the kitchen Esme is cooking up a storm.

"Good morning how was your sleep?" Esme's smile beams.

"Really good, thank you." I smile back.

"It's almost done, you can go to the living room if you want I think that's where everyone else is." She turns back to the counter whisking eggs. 

"Okay thank you." I nod my head to her and climb up the stairs to the upper living room.

Once I make it there I'm met by multiple pairs of golden eyes.

I say a soft "good morning" then go to sit next to Edward.

Before I can sit next to him he pulls me into his lap. A deep rosy blush fans across my cheeks.

"Edward stop we're with your family." I whisper to him.

I try to shove myself off but he's to strong.

"It's fine no one cares." He whispers back.

Everyone was smirking at us.

"I care now let me go." he finally lets me go and I sit next to him.

Then if sitting next to me isn't enough he puts his hand on my lower thigh almost by my knee.

What is wrong with him today? Why is he acting so needy and protective of of a sudden?

"So y/n, where are you from?" Rosalie ask me trying to strike up a conversation.

"Well I actually grew up in a really small town like Forks, but in Michigan. Actually the one where Edward moved too and we met. I haven't really traveled this far away from home because all of my relatives live in the little town, so I was really excited when Edward told me that we were going to come see you guys I have been dying to meet his family."

"Dying to meet us we're nothing special." Emmett laughs giving everyone a look.

Did I miss something or is this an inside joke? My thought were cut short when Esme shouted.

"Breakfast is ready."

I got up to go to the kitchen and Edward follows close behind.

Renesme and Jacob were in the kitchen already chowing down. I pick up a plate and fill it with fruit, sausage and some eggs.

"Aren't you going to eat anything?"

Edward shakes his head. "No I already ate earlier, i'm not that hungry."  He never eats with me it's so bazaar.

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