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Edward's POV:

I run my fingers through her soft hair as she takes a nap in my arms.

I love how her warm skin feels against mine.

I reflect on our day and try not to chuckle at all of the things that occurred. She says the strangest but ultimately funniest things I have ever heard. No wonder her and Emmett get along so nicely, they practically have the same goofy personality.

I've never been one to laugh a whole bunch especially at cheesy jokes, but whatever comes out of her angelic mouth hypnotizes me.

I am the luckiest man alive to be able to have a second chance. I won't take this blessing for granted and I will protect and love her for as long as we have together.

Even though I love to have the privilege to watch this angel sleep in my arms, I wish I could sleep right along with her.

I would hate to waste anytime with her, but I want to dream of her. Just like I hope she dreams of me.

She suddenly stretches and mumbled something, then flops back down on my chest.

The worst part of this all is that she can be a crazy sleeper and she'll suddenly start rolling around and talking nonsense in her sleep.

I run my fingers across her back soothingly. This goes on for a while. She must have been really tired, I should wake her up because she hasn't ate in a while.

I lightly rub and oat her back, whispering in her ear, "Wake up love."

She starts to stir out of her slumber.

Her lips puffy and kissable. Her eyes were red as she tiredly rubbed them.

I lean down and capture her plump lips.

We pull away, "God I'm starving," she lifts herself out of bed.

"Just sit here and relax, I'll whip you up something. I won't be long, how was your nap?"  I run after her and throw her back on the bed.

"That sounds amazing, and that was a very good fat nap, I thoroughly enjoyed it," she giggled as I walk towards the kitchen.

I make her favorite meal as fast as I could and have it out in the matter of no time.

I can practically hear her stomach growling from here. Which is understandable since she haven't ate in a while and she loves food.

I set the tray down in front of her, she goes to town immediately.

I stare at her as she eats, she is so beautiful.

"Stop looking at me, I know I have food on my face. I have morning breath, my hair is sticking straight up, and probably a lot of other things are wrong. I just can't think of all of them at the moment," she groans.

"Oh shut up."

"Woah where did that come from?" She laughs.

"You're perfect, I don't want to hear you being yourself down anymore," I grab the plate and set it on the nightstand.

Then I crawl between her legs and kiss all over her face.

"Get away!" She kicks her feet.

"Why? I love you so much, it kills me to be away from you for even a second," I flop dramatically to the side.

"Now it's my turn to say, 'oh shut up,' I have to go to the bathroom really bad. I also have to freshen up," she closes the bathroom door.

I sigh with a huge smile on my face.

I hear the toilet flush, then drops of water sprout of the shower head.

I jump of and fling open the bathroom door.

"Edward what are you doing?"

"What? Are we in the 1800's? I want to join you," I start to unbuckle my belt.

"We may not be in that time period, but you sure as hell we're born then. What are you, like 200?" She sasses back at me, trying to hold the glass shower door shut.

I open the door with ease after I took off all of my clothes.

She was speechless as my hands rest on her shoulders and turn her facing away from me.

I kiss down her shoulders, hot water mixing with my kisses.

I feel her shiver slightly below me, my lips couldn't help but form into a small smirk.

My hand slowly reaches out I'm from of her. She think I'm going to touch her, but I grab the shampoo instead.

I take some shampoo and lather it between my hands.

She relaxes as I run my fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp.

I rinse out all of the shampoo and repeat with conditioner.

Now what we all have been waiting for, body wash.

You could tell anticipation was killing her until the feeling of the cold gel mixed with my cold hands glided across her back.

A trail of bubbles left behind.

Tension was thick in the air.

My hands massaged her shoulders and lower back.

Then my arms wrapped around her waist, my hands rubbing her stomach.

Her head fell onto my shoulder.

Fire was burning through my body as my fingertips ran dangerously lower and lower.

Her soft thighs met the pads of my fingers. I made my way down then back up again.

Teasing her slightly.

She really didn't like that.

She roughly grabs my hand and guides back to its rightful destination.

Let's just say we wasted A LOT of water.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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