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Y/n's POV:

The wedding is tomorrow.

The day I have been waiting for since I was a little girl.

I can't help but feel too nervous, I mean I know that i'm destined to be with Edward but what if things don't work out? What happens on our honeymoon night?

I think i'm getting cold feet or just the wedding jitters.

Am I really ready for all of this?

All of the things that are going to happen after the wedding?

I want to have a family with Edward but what if I die in the process.

Do I really want to become a vampire?

Shut up y/n you love Edward and you've wanted this for so long just stop over thinking everything.

I just want to slap myself sometimes.

I was sitting here freaking out about all of this while wrapped in Edward's arms.

"What is going on in that pretty little head of yours?" He whispers in my ear gently sweeping away the hair on my face.

"Nothing," I give him a short answer back.

I guess he decided to let it go because he just held me closer.

"What do you want to do today?" He finally says after a few moments of silence.

"Well, Alice still has me in bride mode or whatever you want to call it. I think we are having our dress rehearsal today or a mini one I should say. She wants me to practice walking down the isle and stuff, I don't think you guys have to worry about tripping but I definitley do. I can just imagine myself stepping on my dress and going down in front of everyone." I cringe.

"You'll be fine," He chuckles.

"Oh easy for you to say," I roll my eyes then get up, well try to get up. Edward's arms were almost impossible to rip away from.

"Excusme me I have to get up." I wiggle around to face him.

"We have all the time in the world." He looks deep into my eyes.

"You do at least, but if you've forgotten i'm still human. So move unless you want me to pee on you," I sneer.

"You are one gross women y/n," He immediatly let's go of me.

"Just keeping it real," I point out while running to the bathroom.

Edward's POV:

What am I going to do with that girl?

I layed postrate on the bed looking at the ceiling, watching every spec of dust float by.

I couldn't help but smile.

I can't wait to marry her, I love her so much.

She walks out of the bathroom, then over to where her clothes are. I can't keep my eyes off of her.

"What?" She says now looking at me.

"Nothing, you're just so breathtaking." I smile at her.

"Oh shut up." She smacks me with the shirt in her hand.

"This is not a joking matter, you really are beautiful." I get up from the bed and wrap my arms around her frail, warm body.

I stick my head in her neck, slightly grazing my lips over her pulse, and just enjoying the moment.

All I could think about was how astonishing her scent was and how sweet her blood smelled. All I had to do was sink my teeth into her neck that was on my lips.

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