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it's really late at night and ten has a quiz the next morning, but he couldn't sleep. he was studying all night trying to doze off but his mind wouldn't give it a rest. he's been thinking about johnny again. he did study, but johnny would visit his thought every once in a while.

he tried drinking milk, he tried watching a really boring series, and even tried jacking off. none of those ways sent him to sleep, in fact he just got hornier.

everyone's asleep in the whole floor, for sure. taeyong's asleep in his room and he thinks he's the only one awake at this time of the night. it's 1 am. he needs sleep.

he decided to text his fuck buddy. sex can make you tired right? he thought. but at this time of the night?

he shrugged and looked for johnny's name on his contacts.

"hey u up?"

he didn't expect a reply especially since it's midnight, he didn't think the other would still be awake. but he is.

"i suppose u r too. couldn't sleep?"

ten smiled. he thought the older was already asleep. "goddamn this man."

"yeah y r u awake tho?"

"idek. r u thinking what im thinking?"

"idk r u thinking abt ur dick too?" ten softly laughed careful to not waking taeyong up next door.

"funny, i was thinking abt ur ass." johnny smiled as he sent the text. he, too, couldn't sleep because he of ten.

"sooo...? sex? im on the pill ;)" he received a reply from ten that immediately sent him to get ready.

"ur place in 15. prep real good, baby. daddy needs sleep he has a test in the morning."

johnny immediately got up and opened his closet. he took out a nike drifit shirt, that showed off the curve of his torso, and some sweatshorts and putting them on. before he could even change, he received a reply from ten, "as u wish daddy ;)"

he grabbed his running shoes and wore them on before heading out the door. he took a pen from the center table and a note pad before writing, "out for jogging, be back at 6." he stuck it on the fridge using the magnets and headed out.

he needed an excuse in case jaehyun wakes up before he could even come home. he didn't want to get interrogated again. even if their buildings are close, he chose to walk the long way, along seungcheol's house, in case somebody was up that could catch him.

he was growing nervous as he walked down, who knows if someone was actually up?

he walked faster. he didn't have anything with him except his airpods and phone. he was actually nervous for the next morning.

he found himself in front of taeyong and ten's door. he was just about to text ten but the door opened. he got shit-scared when he thought taeyong opened the door, but relieved when he saw ten, in a robe and hair a mess. he looked like he was having a fun time inside.

"hey daddy." ten said with a wink, he let johnny in and locked the door.

the small man drooled at how hot johnny looked in his outfit. his pecs were shown through the fitted shirt that he used for sweating. his abs were also obvious with how tight the shirt was hugging his body. johnny removed his shoes and carried them going to ten's room. they entered ten's room and also locked the door. the tall man didn't bother looking around because ten's place was always clean. he was living with taeyong, it's sure to be always clean.

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