Chapter 24: Marrying Through The Sakura Trees

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"I'll see you later, Sesshomaru. I'll be back when I'm ready to get married," Kagome said as she sat on the rim of the Bone-Eater's Well.

"Okay, Kagome. Please take your time," Sesshomaru said before he quickly placed his lips over Kagome's. The two of them blushed at the same time.

"I'll be back," Kagome said with a smile, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Hn, have a great time with your family, Kagome," Sesshomaru said, smiling softly as Kagome was, too.

Kagome then jumped into the well, leaving a blue light in her wake. Sesshomaru was amazed that his human mate travels through time. No one can do that. Then he heard footsteps coming his way. Sesshomaru turned around and saw it was Inuyasha who approached him.

"Hey, Sesshomaru," Inuyasha said.

"Yes, Inuyasha?" he asked.

"What is it that you love about Kagome? I thought you despised all humans," he said.

Sesshomaru softened his golden eyes. "Why do you want to know, little brother?"

"I just want to know, Sesshomaru. Okay?" Inuyasha said in a grumpy tone.

Sesshomaru took a breath and looked above at the sky. "Her kindness towards others whether they are demons, half-demons, or humans. Kagome would always put everyone before herself. She never gives up whenever the situation looks bad. Kagome and Rin had changed me because I no longer despise humans with their weakness."

Inuyasha looked at him in the face. "Do you love her?"

He looked back. "Yes, I do love her. Her purity and kindness are what I love about her."

Inuyasha sighed at that. It was true about Kagome's kindness. She had a golden heart. She would care about others before herself. Even when Inuyasha kept hurting her feelings it will be caused by breaking Kagome's heart. He wished he had seen it sooner, but it was too late now. Sesshomaru has her heart. But he had to make sure that his older half-brother won't take advantage of her.

"Why do you ask, Inuyasha?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure Kagome was okay. I don't want you to hurt Kagome," Inuyasha said, turning away from his brother.

Sesshomaru smirked at this. "Don't worry about her, Inuyasha. I still love her and I wanted to accept to be the baby's father."

Inuyasha sighed again. As he remembered how Kagome became ill but turned out she became pregnant with Sesshomaru's child. From his point of view: he was furious with Sesshomaru for getting Kagome pregnant but turned out he's becoming a half-uncle. He was glad that Kagome was with someone like Sesshomaru who truly loved her.

"I'm glad," Inuyasha said with a small smile.


Guys, I'm home!" Kagome called as she entered the house. Somehow, it felt good to be home again. It had been about two months since had been home over three months. She wondered how her family was doing. Then she heard footsteps coming towards the front entrance from where she now stood.

Her mother, Harumi Higurashi, approached her with a joyful smile. "Kagome, you're back!" she exclaimed happily, she ran and embraced her daughter. Kagome embraced back tightly.

"Mom, is Kagome back?" It was Souta who questioned Harumi.


"Kagome!" Souta and Grandpa Higurashi shouted at the time as they joined into a group hug.

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