Chapter 18

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

I scream as Meteora continues to dig knives into my skin. "Shhh, little creation. As enjoyable as your screams are, I can tell they're getting near, and I don't want to make it any easier." She coos. I pant, tired from even just a few hours worth of her torture. "Oh (Y/n), riddle me this, why do care about them so much?" I glare at her. "They were our inspiration, our heros, even after everything, I thought that'd you'd still have enough humanity to remember that." "Humanity? I lost that when I took everything from you! Don't you see? I'm much more powerful than I ever imagined!" She laughs. "Who cares about humanity when I have that?" "You can't handle power if you can't use it responsibly. That's what made me always better then you." She punches me hard across the face. "You bitch! I'm the real person, I'm the reason your here, I'm your creator." "And you were my sister!" I scream. She stops. "And yet they loved you more. They did this." She says softly, silent tears forming. I almost pity her. "They were just excited, that isn't true. You do this to yourself." I growl, defending those who watched.

"Shut up, just shut up, bitch! You're time is up!" "No, but yours is." We both look towards the cavern entrance to see all the egos, sides, and humans. I look on touched and in awe, but also frightened for them. "Guys, get out of here!" I shout at them. "No, no," Meteora moves away from me, "let them stay. Let's play a little." She laughs, facing off with them. "Meteora, stop, please don't do this." I plead. He gives me a smile that send chills down my spine. She comes at me, and stabs in my abdomen. She twists the knife, making me scream in pain. Tears run down my bloodied and bruised face. I hear shouts from the group, but don't quite catch what they say, being in too much pain. Meteora stops the bleeding again as she pulls the knife out. "I hope that teach you to be quiet when I have guests." She growls. "Oh honey, we aren't your guests. We're your captors." Wilford says cockily, holding up a pair of guns.

In a beautiful moment of hope I watch them ready for a fight. Purple flames erupt from Natemares hand, green and blue from Marvin. Googles eyes flash red, while Darks go black. Antis neck wound gushes out blood, and his eyes glow such a bright green the color fits the room. Virgils eyes turn white, and Roman holds a sword out. Chase and the other sides take it upon themselves to protect the YouTubers, who look like they want to help, but can't. "Guys," I whisper, "I'm not worth it. Go on. Go home, you're okay now. I'll be okay." I reassure, lying through my teeth. "With all due respect (Y/n), shut up." Dark says, but it louder, and a static comes along with it. Meteora seems mildly shocked, but holds up her facade anyways. "Well boys, it seem I'm out numbered. I like those odds." Her eyes glow purple.

She creates a barrier of purple light as flying knives near here. Natemare jumps onto the barrier, punching it through with a flaming fist. I watch in helplessly, nothing close enough to me to help me up. Wilford shoots the rest of the barrier down, and Roman charges her. She ,however, easily flicks him away with the wave of her hand, a smile of amusement on her face. "Nice try." I struggle against my restraints, trying anything to get out, but my movements are weak. Dark moves his hand out, and black tendrils of vines rush at her, and grab her hands, pulling them down. She laughs, and purple flames burn them down. "Just gives up. She's mine now." A hole opens up beneath all of them, making them all fall into a pile on top of each other. She conjures up more sharp sharp objects, light them on fire, and make the, fly at the group. They're quick to break and roll away from the sharp wall coming at them.

Google shoots angry red lasers from his hand, which she dodged. She raises two hands, lifting Anti and Dark off the ground, and smashing them into opposite walls. Anti hits his head, while Dark hits on his back. "Stop! Anti! No!" I cry out. Meteora flicks her wrist towards me, and I'm unable to speak. Anti groans, and doesn't get up, Dark however, gets up fiercely, and charges her. Fast as lighting, tendrils grab her, and pin her to the ground. Virgil puts his hands to her head, and her strong exterior fades. Her smile turn to a look of pure fear. The purple glow in her eyes turns back to normal (E/c). "Oh no, oh god, they're out to get me. They're all against me, I'm not safe. I'm not safe anywhere." Virgil looks pained as he does this, as he distracts her by giving her the thing he tried not be. Paranoia. Marvin runs up to them, chining her up with transparent blue cuffs. She under control now. They've won.

Sudden Parenthood {ChildYouTubers x Reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz