Chapter 5

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

I carry each of the demons under one arm like logs. They try to hit each other, but can't at the weird angle. Anti glitches, which sends weird tingles down my arm, while Darks aura my arm feel numb. "Let me at this sorry excuse for a demon." Dark growls. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know the opinion of an edgy teen mattered." Anti retorts. "Stop. Arguing!" I shout quickly at them. They both shut up promptly and go limp in my arms. "Are you freaking rag dolls?" I ask. "No, we just know when to stop." "Speak for yourself. It's kinda comfortable." Anti says. I grumble and carry them back to the living room where the littles are still playing with the puppies. I set the two demons on the ground. "Amy, why didn't you tell me?" She looks over, wide eyed. "Because it was a secret." She replies. "Right..." I sigh. Jack and Mark see the two and immediately back away from them. "They'll kill us. They'll murder us, and fillet our insides!" Mark screams bloody murder. "Hey, hey, hey, it's fine, I won't let them do anything to you. I promise. Besides, they're more focused on killing each other." I mumble that last part.

"Did you guys know they....exist." I ask. The two demons just kinda glare at the group. "No." "I did." Jack says. Mark gives Jack a look. "You didn't think that's something I would've liked to know?" Mark shrieks. "I didn't know if yours were real too. Don't yell at me." Jack, tearfully, runs to me, burying his face in my leg. I lift him up, and he sniffs into my shirt. "I-I didn't mean to." Mark says. "It's okay Mark." I reassure. Everybody was staring at the two look alike egos. "They're turning into children very quickly." Dark notes, a tiny bit of surprise in his voice. "I know, that's why this needs to be fixed. Do you a have any clue how this happened?" I ask while shushing Jack. "I don't know. Once second I was with the others, and the next I'm a...child in Mark's home." Dark says. "Same here, except I saw a flash of light." Anti reports. "Light?! What light?!? What color was it?!?" I all but shout. "Jeez, what got your panties in a twist. I don't know." Anti growls. I clear my throat. "Right..." If it's what I think it is...we have a lot more problems.

Dark seems to notice this change in stance. "You seem retrospectively calm in our presence. Or not surprised at the least. Care to explain why?" Dark questions. "I Uh, just there's a lot of weird going on right now." I answer. Before he can ask anything else, a yelp is heard behind me. I look back to see Felix and Mark tussling. "Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?" I ask, breaking them apart with the hand that isn't holding Jack. "He touched Amy." Mark accuses. "It was a high five, Mark, chill!" Felix defends. I look at Amy. "What happened." "Me and Felix high fives because we got Henry to sit." She explains. "Alright, stop fighting, unless you want to go in the corner again." "No, we'll be good." "Yeah, no more fighting." They run off back into the fray of dogs. A tug on my pants makes me look down to see Ethan. "(Y/n), I'm hungry." I smile a little, although it's kinda forced. "I'll get you guys some lunch soon buddy. Go play for right now." He nods and runs back. I sigh, then make Jack look at me. "Are you good now?" I ask. He nods, and wipes his nose with his hand. "Ok, well first, go wash your hands, then go play, okay?" He nods. I set him down, and runs to the bathroom. I face Anti and Dark again.

"You're such a mom!" Anti laughs. "Yeah, well until we fix this, I'm what you've got as help, so you better stop that attitude." I say, not taking shit from the little goblin. He looks at me, looking slight fearful. I sit criss crossed in the floor in front of them. "(Y/n)." I introduce, holding out a hand. Dark shakes it professionally while Anti does a dramatic hand shake. "You said you were with the others. Do you know if they turned too? Maybe they're pulling a prank on you?" I ask. "I think it's likely they did. I was literally in the same room with them." Dark says. Anti shrugs. "We were in the same building, but not in the same room." At the thought of more children, I groan. "Okay, okay, it's fine. It's fine! You two can just come with me and everyone else, and we'll go back to my place and hide out there until we fix this." I say, partly to myself. "Fine, but if you act like I'm a fucking child-" "You are in no place to speak to me like that. Don't wannabe treated like a child, fine, stop being a little shit if you expect any help from me." I tell him. Dark stifles a smile while Anti looks stunned.

"That's what I thought. Let's go." I stand and turn to the others who had moved on from playing with the puppies to jumping on the couch. "Hey guys, you shouldn't do that! You could get hurt!" I instruct. They climb down grumbling. "(Y/n), I want foooood." Nate whines. "Okay, lets go get back in my car, okay? I'll get us some...I don't Wendy's." At that they all perk up and rush to the car. Being smart, I leash the puppies, grab a few things for the puppies, and grab Mark's house keys before joining the littles in the car. I see them all fighting to accommodate Amy in the back while Dark and Anti fighting each other in the passenger seat. "Guys, relax, I can help you." I first situate them in the back, handing Chica to Mark and Henry to Amy, then make Dark and Anti share the front seat.  "I can't believe you made me share a seat with this fucker." Anti grumbles.

"It's smart. There wasn't room in the back and we were already in the front. Plus we are the only two not acting like children, so if she got pulled over, we could convince the cop were short but older." Dark says, eyes ahead. "Just, please, stop arguing." I grumble, pulling up to a Wendy's. I quickly order, trying to out pace the impending arguing in the back, and get the food. I distribute the kids meals after each is handed to me, which keeps them all quiet. Even Anti. Feeling proud of myself, I go back home in quiet bliss. I park the car, then turn to the rest of the littles. "Okay, were going to go inside, watch TV, and try to not burn the place down, okay?" "Okay!" I herd them all inside, Dark and Anti...helping? I unlock my door, and when we get inside they all run inside. Except for Nate. "This is starting to be a lot, isn't it?" He asks. I sigh, and nod. "Nate, I'm suddenly taking care of kids who are actually adults all on my own with no clue how to fix this."

"Well, we will help anyway we can. Even if we aren't quite ourselves." He reassures. I smile, and lift Nate into a hug. "Thanks little dude." Then there's a knock at the door. I set Nate down, but he follows me by the heels as I answer. I open it to see my ex. "Hey." They say. I glare, and don't take my eyes of them as I speak to Nate. "Nate, go watch TV with the others." "But-" "Nate." I say sharply, looking at him now. He nods sadly, then walks away. I make a note to apologize later. "That's what you've been doing? Since when are there children here?" "My sister needed a sitter for a week or two. I don't see how that your business." I accuse. "Not my business, I could have helped. You'd probably need me anyways, since your such a disaster." "A disaster! I have handled this all in my own, very well! I don't need you here, so what do you want?"

"Oh sure you have. I'm surprised they aren't dead. You can't even take care of yourself. Stop being a bitch and admit it. I came for anything I left here, so just give me my things and I'll go." "Trust me, you don't have anything here. Cause apparently I didn't have time for you to leave it here anyways." They roll there eyes. "Fine, whatever you whore. Good luck with those kids, they'll probably end up as messed up as you." I growl, feeling that statement like a gut punch, but slam the door. I turn back into the house to see them all staring at me. "Umm, sorry you had to see that. Watch your cartoons, I'll be right back." I mumble, rushing to my bathroom.

Sudden Parenthood {ChildYouTubers x Reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora