Chapter: 22

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All rights to Cassandra Clare

Jace’s POV

If Hell had a face, it would be Sebastian’s.

“Where is Clary?” I asked gritting my teeth. Jonathan was looking around for Clary while holding his sword up.

Sebastian chuckled. “You really think I am going to tell you?”

Jonathan looked at me, “We never looked upstairs.”

Sebastian’s eyes widened a bit.

Jonathan said, “I’ve got him.”

“You sure?” I asked.

He nodded and I started going out the door. I heard Jonathan say, “You really should not get near my sister ever again,” and I was going upstairs.

Clary’s POV

My legs went numb. 

There it was, right on the floor under my bed, but showing a bit.

A box engraved with a rune that looked demonic. It took all the strength in me to walk up to the bed, lean down and scoot the box out under the bed. I didn’t have to peak in it to know it was Sebastian’s heart. I wanted to puke.

All this time, his heart was in a box under my bed. Where I slept! That sick…how could he just…sick…sick!!!

I turned around and punched the wall. “Ow!” I yelped. Not a smart move. I was so angry and disgusted. I fell to the floor holding my hand. I sat there for a bit, then Jace ran into the room.

“Clary” he kneeled next to me.

“His heart was under my bed this whole time.” I managed to say. I looked up and saw his eyes staring at the box. For a second I thought it was going to catch fire from his glare.


“I’m going to torture the sick bastard.”

“Jace look at me.” He did. “We have to stab the heart the same time we stab Sebastian.”

“That’s going to be hard Clary.”

“I know, but we’ll figure it out.”

“We need to do it quick, Jonathan is dealing with Sebastian right now.”

I jumped up. “What?”

He jumped up too. “Exactly. We need to get down there now.”

Jace hid the box under the bed, I cringed, and we started running downstairs.

“How could you leave him with Sebastian?” I asked while running downstairs.

“I wasn’t really thinking.”

“Jace I need to tell you something.”


“If my brother is hurt I’m going to bust a cap in your ass.”

“Excuse me?”

We came to the door. Jace kicked it down and when I went to run through he stopped me.

Jonathan was on the floor with Sebastian. I prepared myself to see a bloody Jonathan, but Sebastian was the one who was bloody, yet he was grinning.

“Nice that you could join the party,” Sebastian said.

Hello Shadowhunters! Sorry that this was a short chapter, I was rushed a bit and had writer's block. This story is coming to an end soon (like quite possibly only 2-5 chapters left!) And as always, I appreciate all the support! Parabatai forever :)

Jace and Clary After City Of Heavenly FireWhere stories live. Discover now